Plato (Aflatoon) Life Biography, Philosophy in Urdu
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Aflatoon Ayat Taleemat aur Falsafa by Kamran Azam Sohdarwi, Encyclopedia of Philosophy Free Download Biography Urdu book Plato (Aflatoon) Life Biography, Philosophy, Education and Work wrote by Kamran Azam Sohdarwi.plato is one of the world's best known and most broadly perused and examined philosophers or logicians. He was the understudy of Socrates and the instructor of Aristotle, and he wrote amidst the fourth century B.C.E. in antiquated Greece. The life story and complete biography Philosophy and education of Unani philosophers Study in Urdu Saqrat ke Shagard aur arastoo Ke Ustad Aflatoon ki Mukammal Swaneh omri. Download in PDF format from below link end of the post.