Minority scholarships are the free finical aid scholarship for minorities student Which provide by the government for student of minority, scholarships of minority 2016 - 2017 give on merit base for non Muslim student, belong from minorities community.
Financial aid for minorities is merit base minority scholarship given by minorities affair department for those minorities students ( Hindu Student, Christian Student, Sikhism Student, and other non Muslim student) who study in Graduate, Master and PhD in any university of Pakistan.

Students must taken admissions in any college or university in Pakistan. For getting minorities scholarship, student cannot get the benefits from any other government scholarship. The candidates father Annual income not more than 20000 per month to fill the form of the scholarship. Student of a any state will get a minority scholarships for minorities communities for his place of residence and not for the state where he is studying.
Financial aid for minorities is merit base minority scholarship given by minorities affair department for those minorities students ( Hindu Student, Christian Student, Sikhism Student, and other non Muslim student) who study in Graduate, Master and PhD in any university of Pakistan.

Scholarship for minorities student are the following categories:
- Graduate scholarships for minorities.
- Minorities Scholarship for Master Student.
- PhD Scholarship for Minority.
- Study abroad scholarships for minorities.
- Engineering scholarships for minorities.
- Computer science scholarships for minorities.
- Harvard university scholarships for minorities.
- Medical scholarships for minorities.
Scholarship for Minority Student
Minorities Scholarship announce by Government of Pakistan for Minorities student, Minorities Affairs Department issue that application are invites from student of minority communities for grant of Scholarship for different categories from Primary Level to Professional level for current finical year 2016-17.Eligibility Criteria for Minorities Scholarship 2016

Students must taken admissions in any college or university in Pakistan. For getting minorities scholarship, student cannot get the benefits from any other government scholarship. The candidates father Annual income not more than 20000 per month to fill the form of the scholarship. Student of a any state will get a minority scholarships for minorities communities for his place of residence and not for the state where he is studying.
Application Form for Minorities Scholarship 2016 - 2017
Minority scholarship 2016 application form download free application form of minorities scholarships.