Teaching Jobs in University of Faisalabad - Apply Now

University of Faisalabad is one of the top universities of Pakistan and it is Ranked 3rd among top private universities of Pakistan in 2015. It is a private higher educational institute in Faisalabad. There are  two main campuses in Faisalabad one is Saleem Campus for Gilrs and Amin Campus for Boys . Applications are invited for the following positions at Faisalabad and Lahore Campuses :-

There are vacant posts of  Professors , Associate Professor and Lecturer in :
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Rehabilitation Sciences
- Management Studies
- Electrical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Nutrition and Die-tics
- Computer Science
- Ultra-son-graph-y
- Civil Engineering
- Interior Design
- Islamic Studies
- Optometry
- Radiology

Qualification : Master/M Phil / P H D .in relevant field with sufficient experience.

Other Posts :-

- Director QEC
- Chief Librarian
- Manage IT
- Manager Finance
- Deputy Registrar
- Deputy Controller Examination
- Librarian
- Software Developer
- Accountant
- Social Media Executive
- Assistant Controller Examination
- Assistant Registrar
- Content Writer
- Graphic Designer
- Office Assistant
- Hostel Warden(Female)

Candidates may submit their resumes along with photographs and relevant documents to Deputy Registrar HR , The University of Faisalabad , Sargodha Road , Faisalabad. 
Email : hr@tuf.edu.pk
Phone : 041-8668326-30

How to Apply :-

1- Download application forms from website
2- Submit 1000 Rs fee in any branch of MCB ,ABL , HBL or UBL Branch on prescribe challan form.
3- Send application forms to address mentioned in Advertisement,
4- Candidates of all provinces including federal domiciles are eligible to apply.

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