Base64 Encoding and Decoding Example in Java 8 and before

Though, there are a couple of ways to Base64 encode a String in Java e.g. by using Java 6's javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter#printBase64Binary(byte[]) or by using Apache Commons Codec's Base64.encodeBase64(byte[) and Base64.decodeBase64(byte[])as shown here, or the infamous Sun's internal base64 encoder and decoder, sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode() and sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decode(), there was no standard way in JDK API itself. That was one of the few missing item (another one is about joining string) which is addressed in Java 8. The JDK 8 API contains a Base64 class in java.util package which supports both encoding and decoding text in Base64. You can use Base64.Encoder to encode a byte array or String and Base64.Decoder to decode a base64 encoded byte array or String in Java 8.
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