PPSC Sub Inspector Solved Paper 2015 Complete mcqs download here

PPSC Sub Inspector Mcqs Paper 2016

1. Human Rights Day: 10 Dec 1948
2. Liberty & Life: Article 9
3. Right of Fair Trial: Article 10A
4. Freedom of Movement: Article 15
5. Right to information: 19-A
6. Recently Retired: Younis Khan
7. 2 times Bismillah: Surah Namal
8. 1st IGP: Khan Qurban Ali Khan
9. Current IGP: Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera
10. Lemon: Vitamin C
11. Pakistan Hockey Olympics last Gold Medal: 1984
12. Mai kis k hath pr…: Mustafa zaidi…
13. Muhammad’s (PBUH” wife & Daughter of H Umer (RA): Hadhrat Hafza (R.A)
14. Masjid Qiblatain kahan hai: Medina
15. Ghazwa bader men kitny shaba shaheed howy? 14
16. Bgair walid k Nabi after H Adam (AS)? Hadhrat Issa (A.S)
17. Windows 7 ? Operating System
18. Deleted file is sent to? recycle bin
19. Google Chrome, yahoo & internet explorer ? Browser
20. Name of wife of Shah Jahan? Mumtaz Mahal
21. What is the name of daughter of Aurangzeb?Zaib ul Nisa
22. Fastest century in ODI? AB de Villiers
23. Yadon Ki Barat By?Josh Malihabadi
24. SHO stands for? Station House Officer
25. First governor of Punjab (Indian Punjab)? Sir Chandulal Madhavlal Trivedi
26. President of Syria? Bashar al Asad
27. Gilgit-Baltistan: Self-governing territory of Pakistan
28. First chief executive of Pakistan?Pervez Musharraf
29. PM of England when Paksitan got independence? Clement Richard Attlee
30. Yaar baqi suhbat baqi ka kia mtlab hai? zindgi rhi to phr mille gain
31. Tajahul Arfan ka kia mtlab hai? jan bhoj k anjan ban-na
32. IAEA Headquarter: Vienna
33. Headquarter of Human Rights Commission: Geneva, Switzerland
34. URL stands for: Uniform Resource Locator
35. Acoustics is the science that deals with the study of: Mechanical Waves
36.Capital of Tajikistan: Dushanbe
37. G-77: Developing Nations
38. Auther of The Sole Spokesman: Ayesha Jalal
39. Chairperson of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan: Zohra Yousaf
40. Interpol headquarter: Lyon
41. Mughal Emperor fell from Stairs: Humayun
42. Actual Name of Dr. Andleeb Shadani: Wajahat Hussain
43.Mughal Emperor fell from Stairs: Humayun
44. First President of the Muslim League: Sir Aga Khan
45. Myanamar: Burma
46. What is boot: Start of Computer
47. Federal Minister of Planning: Ahsan Iqbal
48. N. Saraj ul Daula Vs Robert Clive: Battle of Palassey
49. Islamia college, Peshawar founder: Sahibzada Abdul Qayum
50. State not anexd with India: Hyderabad
51. LoC Commission: UNMOGIP
52.Father of Pierre Trudeau: Charles Emile Treadu
53.Tyroid gland is in: Neck
54. Angel fall is at: Venezuela
55. Abdur Rehman Chugtai is: Painter
56.underroot 1-9/16: 1-5/4
57. 75 toys: 1500
58. Missing series: 99
59. Missing series: 45
60. man turning 2 times left East, north and the west: South?
61.Volume of the room, 4*5*6: 120m3
62.1 km race won by A: 4Min 3 Sec?
63. Gain 20%, Loss 25%: ?
64.3 Book each 16, 4 books each 23: Average price 20
65. 880/0.8*8
66. Ayaz Sadiq VS Aleem Khan
67. Control Hardware: Drivers
68. Blood comes to heart from body: Viens?
68. Blood comes to body from heart: Artery?
69. Glycouma is: Eye
70. Pakistan lost UNO election for: UNHRC
71. Ayaz Sadiq VS: Aleem Khan
72. Brostal Institute are for: Minors
73. Houbara bustard locally known: Tiloor
74. Abubaker bagdahi: ISIS
75. PAF hero of war 1965 was: ?
76.UNO Development Goals 2015: Total 17
77. TDAP:
78. Enviornment conference at rio de janero:
79. OPCW HQ: Hague, Netherland
80. Car company scandal
81. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa): Canada
82. Unpardonable: Shirk
83. Odd words: Elephent
84.Odd word: spinach
85. Stone: Hard ::Feather: soft
86. Man: walk
87. Adhere:stick, cling, hold fast, cohere, bond, attach; paste?
88. Relinquish: Renounce, give up, give away; hand over?
Detention: Article 10
90: Rights of Minorties Article
91: Fanatic: Eager
92: Clarity:Confusion
93. Engagement: Marriage
94. Obscure Antonym: Famous, renowned, clear, visible