How to Force Quit an App in Mac OS X

Force Quit an App in Mac OS X : Today we are sharing with you a wonderful trick on forcing an application in mac to quit by other medium than closing button. Did you find your application stuck at same screen again and again, is your program not responding and your desktop is freezing because of that application then these tips will definatly the work saviour for you. Sometime it become irritating while your certain application stuck at same window for several minutes. Here a quick solution for that.

Force Quit an App in Mac

How to Force Quit an App in Mac OS X

Method 1: Forec Quit With the Help of keys

You can force close app by opening Force Quit Applications screen by just pressing 

Command + Option + Escape

This keys will open a new screen find name of the application you want to force close and and click on the Force Quit button.Thats it . It is so simple




Method 2 : Force Quit from the Dock

In this method you can close the app directly from dock. Just click on

Option + Right Click

The dock will appear and simple click on the force quit app from dock.



This are some of the method for closing App in Mac OS X . We wil find some more method and update it soon .