Pakistan National Education Policy (NEP) 2009
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2009 (“the Policy”) comes in a series of education policies dating back to the very inception of the country in 1947. The review process for the National Education Policy 1998-2010 was initiated in 2005 and the first document, the White Paper was finalised in March 2007. The White Paper became the basis for development of the Policy document.
Life Skills-Based Education (LSBE) shall be promoted.
Grades XI and XII shall not be part of the college level and shall be merged into the school level forming part of existing secondary schools
A system for ranking of primary and secondary educational institutions across the country shall be introduced
To create an order for excellence in the country, a “National Merit Programme” shall be introduced to award bright students
All children, boys and girls, shall be brought inside school by the year 2015.
Official age for primary education shall be 6 to 10 years. The official age group for next levels of education shall also change accordingly.
Government shall make efforts to provide the necessary financial resources to achieve the EFA goals.
Government shall establish at least one “Apna Ghar” residential school in each province to provide free high quality education facilities to poor students.
Every child, on admission in Grade I, shall be allotted a unique ID that will continue to remain with the child throughout his or her academic career.
Literacy rate shall be increased up to 86% by 2015
Provinces and district governments shall allocate a minimum of 3% of education budget for literacy and non formal basic education (NFBE).
NEF programmes, currently in practice up to grade 5 shall be expanded up to grade 10, where required.
(14 to 17 years). Special educational stipends shall be introduced to rehabilitate child labourers.
A Bachelors degree, with a B.Ed., shall be the requirement for teaching at the elementary level. A Masters level for the secondary and higher secondary, with a B.Ed., shall be ensured by 2018. PTC and CT shall be finished
Diploma in Education (D.Ed) may be used as an intermediate qualification till B.Ed teachers are available universally.
Teacher training arrangements, accreditation and certification procedures shall be standardised and institutionalised.
In service teachers training in mathematics shall be given with due attention to developing conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, problem solving and practical reasoning skills.
In service teacher training in science shall be based on real life situations, use of science kits and provision of science kits to all primary and middle schools.
Teacher allocation plans, likewise, shall be based on schools needs and qualifications of teachers. Over the course of next two years, Governments shall develop a rationalised and need-based school allocation of teachers, which should be reviewed and modified annually.
Provincial and Area Administrations shall develop effective accountability mechanism including EMIS data on teacher deployment, to control absenteeism and multiple job-holding,
Maximum age limit shall be waived off for recruitment of female teachers.
The curriculum development and review process, as well as textbooks review process, shall be standardised and institutionalised within the framework of the Federal Supervision of Curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976.
Professional Councils like Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC) and Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) shall be involved in consultations for relevant curriculum development.
Environmental education shall be made an integral part of education.
Matric-Tech scheme shall be re-introduced at secondary level
Education system needs to be internationally competitive and Pakistan shall make efforts
TVE shall be extended according to the need of the area i.e. Tehsil, District and
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2009 (“the Policy”) comes in a series of education policies dating back to the very inception of the country in 1947. The review process for the National Education Policy 1998-2010 was initiated in 2005 and the first document, the White Paper was finalised in March 2007. The White Paper became the basis for development of the Policy document.
Life Skills-Based Education (LSBE) shall be promoted.
Grades XI and XII shall not be part of the college level and shall be merged into the school level forming part of existing secondary schools
A system for ranking of primary and secondary educational institutions across the country shall be introduced
To create an order for excellence in the country, a “National Merit Programme” shall be introduced to award bright students
All children, boys and girls, shall be brought inside school by the year 2015.
Official age for primary education shall be 6 to 10 years. The official age group for next levels of education shall also change accordingly.
Government shall make efforts to provide the necessary financial resources to achieve the EFA goals.
Government shall establish at least one “Apna Ghar” residential school in each province to provide free high quality education facilities to poor students.
Every child, on admission in Grade I, shall be allotted a unique ID that will continue to remain with the child throughout his or her academic career.
Literacy rate shall be increased up to 86% by 2015
Provinces and district governments shall allocate a minimum of 3% of education budget for literacy and non formal basic education (NFBE).
NEF programmes, currently in practice up to grade 5 shall be expanded up to grade 10, where required.
(14 to 17 years). Special educational stipends shall be introduced to rehabilitate child labourers.
A Bachelors degree, with a B.Ed., shall be the requirement for teaching at the elementary level. A Masters level for the secondary and higher secondary, with a B.Ed., shall be ensured by 2018. PTC and CT shall be finished
Diploma in Education (D.Ed) may be used as an intermediate qualification till B.Ed teachers are available universally.
Teacher training arrangements, accreditation and certification procedures shall be standardised and institutionalised.
In service teachers training in mathematics shall be given with due attention to developing conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, problem solving and practical reasoning skills.
In service teacher training in science shall be based on real life situations, use of science kits and provision of science kits to all primary and middle schools.
Teacher allocation plans, likewise, shall be based on schools needs and qualifications of teachers. Over the course of next two years, Governments shall develop a rationalised and need-based school allocation of teachers, which should be reviewed and modified annually.
Provincial and Area Administrations shall develop effective accountability mechanism including EMIS data on teacher deployment, to control absenteeism and multiple job-holding,
Maximum age limit shall be waived off for recruitment of female teachers.
The curriculum development and review process, as well as textbooks review process, shall be standardised and institutionalised within the framework of the Federal Supervision of Curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976.
Professional Councils like Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC) and Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) shall be involved in consultations for relevant curriculum development.
Environmental education shall be made an integral part of education.
Matric-Tech scheme shall be re-introduced at secondary level
Education system needs to be internationally competitive and Pakistan shall make efforts
TVE shall be extended according to the need of the area i.e. Tehsil, District and