"Zalima Coca Cola Pila De"

Coke Studio is talk of the town now a days. “Zalima Coka Cola Pila Daay” is everywhere, I mean everywhere and everyone is in need of “Coca Cola” in order to quench his/her thirst. Undoubtedly the TVC is based on a strong and energetic sound track sung by Meesha Shafi and Qayyas. They deserve huge round of applause as both of them did justice to the track. 

I was thinking why the nation has been crazy for “Zalima Coka Cola Pila Daay”? What is the reason of such hype? After little brain storming, I was successful to solve this riddle. 

The thing is “Punjabi Music” is in our blood. There was a name most of us have forgotten, yes “Madam Noor Jahan” the melody queen.  There was a time when Lahore was considered the hub of talent. It had the same position that presently “Mumbai” has for Bollywood. After Molla Jatt Punjabi cinema was the only entertainment, people had. Even our parents used to watch Punjabi cinema so I believe Punjabi is a part of us. It doesn’t matter you live in Karachi, Quetta or Peshawar, Madam Noor Jahan was acknowledged everywhere in Pakistan. Even her talent was respected beyond the boundaries.

Yes, you are thinking on the right track. That’s what I am saying; “Zalima Coka Cola Pila Daay” is inspired by our classic Punjabi music. Even Meesha Shafi’s facial expressions are inspired by Madam and her fans can guess it in a single second. 

Here is the proof, the original track sung by “Madam Noor Jahan”. The “Tarrka” of modern music has made it superb that everyone is asking for Coca Cola. 

Any how I love the way Meesha and Qayyas sung this track. The fusion of modern music and our classical Punjabi lyrics has created a winning combination. Dude whether you call our old Punjabi classic the “thumka touched music” but you can’t deny its existence in your blood. That is the actual reason you all are warbling “Zalima Coka Cola Pila Daay”.