5 Free OCAJP 7 and OCPJP7 Mock Exams - Online Practice Test (1Z0-803 and 1Z0-804

Hello guys, today I am going to share a list of free OCAJP7 and OCPJP7 mock exams and online practice tests. If you are preparing for Java SE 7 Programmer 1 or 2 certification or upgrading your existing OCJP 6 exam then this will help you to gauge your progress. As per my experience, the three keys to success in any Java certification is a selection of good books, writing small Java programs to understand concepts, and practicing mock exams. You can see that mock exams are very important to do well on the real exam. They give you much-needed practice as well as some idea about what kind of questions you can expect on real exams. Unfortunately, there are not many good quality free mock exams available for OCAJP7 but I have managed to collect some of them. Earlier, I have shared some OCAJP8 mock exams and received a lot of feedback from my readers about a similar list for OCAJP7 and OCPJP7 exams. This is a smaller list as compared to the previous one but I'll keep adding new mock exams if I come across.
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