1. When 177 freedom fighters were convicted to be hanged in the Chouri-choura case who appeared before the court and got acquitted 156 freedom fighters?
Ans: Madan Mohan Malavya
2. When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth?
Ans: 1921
3. When did Gandhiji write the 'Green Pamphlet'?
Ans: 1896
4. When India celebrated independence on August 15, 1947 Gandhiji was in:
Ans: Kolkata
5. When the First World War broke out and England declared war against Germany, who said 'England's need is India's opportunity'?
Ans: Annie Besant
6. The war broke out in India because of the Seven Years War between the French and the English in Europe:
Ans: The Third Carnatic War
7. The First Anglo-Afghan War (also known as Auckland's Folly) was fought between British India and Afghanistan from 1839 to ____.
Ans: 1842.
8. The Viceroy who was resigned after the Afghan issue in 1876:
Ans: Northbrook
9. The weapon used by Godse to assassinate Gandhili?
Ans: Beretta pistol
10. The Whitley Commission was concerned with:
Ans: Labour
11. Name of wife of Gandhiji:
Ans: Kasturba
12. The woman leader when she was arrested under the Defence of India Act in 1917, the American President Woodrow Wilson intervened for her release:
Ans: Annie Besant
13. The year of Bardoli Satyagraha led by Sardar Patel:
Ans: 1928
14. The year of Chauri-Chaura incident which compelled Gandhiji to repeal Non co-operation movement:
Ans: 1922
15. The year of foundation of Muslim League:
Ans: 1906
16. What was Gandhiji's father popularly known as?
Ans: Kaba Gandhi
17. What was Gandhili's grandfather popularly known as?
Ans: Ota Gandhi
18. The year of Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy:
Ans: 1919
19. Which battle is considered as a part of Seven Years War?
Ans: Plassey
20. The District Magistrate who was murdered in 1855 by violent Mappilas who stormed his bunglow:
Ans: H.V. Connolly
21. What was the real name of Bahadur Shah I, who emerged victorious in the war of succession after Aurangazeb?
Ans: Muazzam
22. When did slavery in British India end?
Ans: 1833
23. When was the Treaty of Alinagar signed?
Ans: February 1757
24. The year of Sharda Act:
Ans: 1929
25. The year of the First War of Indian Independence:
Ans: 1857
26. The year of the Round Table Conference in which Gandhiji attended:
Ans: 1931
27. The Indian revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori conspiracy of 1925, and was awarded death sentence along with Ashfaqulla Khan:
Ans: Ram Prasad Bismil
28. The ____ which was formed in November 1927 by the British Government to chart and conclude a Constitution for India, included members of the British Parliament only.
Ans: Simon Commission
29. Third Round Table Conference was held in:
Ans: 1932
30. Tirath Singh was the leader of:
Ans: Khasi uprising 1833
31. To which European power the Danes sold their settlements in 1845:
Ans: English
32. To which national leader's daughter does the book 'Bapu's Letters To Maniben' relate to?
Ans: Sardar Patel
33. To whom Jawaharlal Nehru dedicated his autobiography?
Ans: Kamala Nehru
34. Ulgulan was a movement of the:
Ans: Mundas
35. The year of Naval Mutiny:
Ans: 1946
36. Under whose leadership Hindustan Republican Association changed its title to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association?
Ans: Chandrasekhar Azad
37. V.D. Savarkar's work 'The Indian War of Independence' was published in:
Ans: 1909
38. Veda Samaj was founded in 1864 by:
Ans: Sridharalu Naidu
39. In which year Vernacular Press Act was passed?
Ans: 1878
40. Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar was a nationalist writer in _____ during the struggle for freedom:
Ans: Marathi
41. Vivekananda attended the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago in:
Ans: 1893
42. What did the judge ask Gandhiji to do on the first day of his pleading in the court in South Africa?
Ans: To take off the turban
43. What does 'Inquilab Zindabad' means:
Ans: Long Live Revolution
44. What game did the captain of the ship teach Gandhiji on his way to South Africa?
Ans: Chess
45. The year of Poona Pact:
Ans: 1932
46. Under which title Gandhiji translated the book 'Unto This Last' of John Ruskin?
Ans: Sarvodaya
47. Under whose Chairmanship Indian Education Commission 1882 was appointed?
Ans: W.W. Hunter
48. What was prepared by Muhammad Ali Bluish in reply to the Nehru Report?
Ans: Fourteen Point Formula
49. What was the age of Gandhiji when he conducted the historic Dandi march?
Ans: 61
50. Under whose Governor Generalship it was decided that River Oxus should be fixed as a boundary between the Russian and British spheres of influence?
Ans: Lord Mayo