GRE Psycholgy MCQs Tests
(1) Classical conditioning is a process whereby:
(a) Certain response result from certain stimulus presentations
(b) The CS is always presented before the UCS
(c) Actions that are reward tend to the strengthened
(d) Learning occurs when a stimulus is paired with a certain response
(e) None of these
(2) Edward Tolman’s experiments with rats showed that:
(a) Learning could be achieved without reinforcement
(b) Rats could learn second order conditioning in the absence of food
(c) All rats behaviour could be analyzed by stimulus – response contingencies
(d) The law of effect was not valid in all animals
(e) None of these
(3) Albert’s Bandura’s social learning theory holds that:
(a) Learning is best in group settings
(b) Learning can be achieved by observing and modeling another person’s behaviour
(c) Mere exposure to an aggressive scene always later elicits aggressive behaviour
(d) Social learning takes place at an unconscious level
(e) None of these
(4) According to Marlow’s hierarchy of needs, individuals:
(a) May bypass a level in their quest for self actualization
(b) Must satisfy self-esteem needs before achieving belongingness and love needs
(c) Always end their lives self actualized
(d) Must satisfy esteem needs before the process of self-actualization
(e) None of these
(5) Research by Edward Deci has suggested that extrinsic motivators are more effective when they are:
(a) Stated up front so that the individual knows what he or she will be receiving
(b) Tangible and easily identifiable
(c) Received immediately before the task is accomplished
(d) Intangible, such as verbal praise or smile
(e) None of these
(6) Goals can help us motivated by all the following except:
(a) Focusing our attention
(b) Encouraging alternative ways of achieving goals
(c) Allowing us the freedom to be spontaneous in our activities
(d) Mobilizing our resources
(e) None of these
(7) Psychodynamic determinism refers to:
(a) Behaviour that is rules by forces over which we have no control
(b) Behaviour that is preconscious in origin
(c) Id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
(d) The delimiting characteristics of the superego
(e) None of these
(8) According to Freudian, dream terminology, condensation refers to:
(a) Repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
(b) The bizarre, irrational quality of dreams
(c) The process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
(d) The process whereby one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
(e) None of these
(9) Group popularization is an affect whereby:
(a) Extreme opinions in a group becomes moderate with increased group interaction
(b) Group members moderate positions become polarized with increased group interaction
(c) Group decisions represent an exaggeration of the group members initial positions
(d) The group members’ main concern is to maintain unanimity and group cohesion
(e) None of these
(10) Group think is unlikely to occur when which of the following factors is present?
(a) There is a high degree of stress in the decision-making process
(b) There are clear objective in the decision making process
(c) The group is homogeneous in composition
(d) The group is ideologically isolated
(e) None of these
(a) Certain response result from certain stimulus presentations
(b) The CS is always presented before the UCS
(c) Actions that are reward tend to the strengthened
(d) Learning occurs when a stimulus is paired with a certain response
(e) None of these
(2) Edward Tolman’s experiments with rats showed that:
(a) Learning could be achieved without reinforcement
(b) Rats could learn second order conditioning in the absence of food
(c) All rats behaviour could be analyzed by stimulus – response contingencies
(d) The law of effect was not valid in all animals
(e) None of these
(3) Albert’s Bandura’s social learning theory holds that:
(a) Learning is best in group settings
(b) Learning can be achieved by observing and modeling another person’s behaviour
(c) Mere exposure to an aggressive scene always later elicits aggressive behaviour
(d) Social learning takes place at an unconscious level
(e) None of these
(4) According to Marlow’s hierarchy of needs, individuals:
(a) May bypass a level in their quest for self actualization
(b) Must satisfy self-esteem needs before achieving belongingness and love needs
(c) Always end their lives self actualized
(d) Must satisfy esteem needs before the process of self-actualization
(e) None of these
(5) Research by Edward Deci has suggested that extrinsic motivators are more effective when they are:
(a) Stated up front so that the individual knows what he or she will be receiving
(b) Tangible and easily identifiable
(c) Received immediately before the task is accomplished
(d) Intangible, such as verbal praise or smile
(e) None of these
(6) Goals can help us motivated by all the following except:
(a) Focusing our attention
(b) Encouraging alternative ways of achieving goals
(c) Allowing us the freedom to be spontaneous in our activities
(d) Mobilizing our resources
(e) None of these
(7) Psychodynamic determinism refers to:
(a) Behaviour that is rules by forces over which we have no control
(b) Behaviour that is preconscious in origin
(c) Id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
(d) The delimiting characteristics of the superego
(e) None of these
(8) According to Freudian, dream terminology, condensation refers to:
(a) Repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
(b) The bizarre, irrational quality of dreams
(c) The process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
(d) The process whereby one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
(e) None of these
(9) Group popularization is an affect whereby:
(a) Extreme opinions in a group becomes moderate with increased group interaction
(b) Group members moderate positions become polarized with increased group interaction
(c) Group decisions represent an exaggeration of the group members initial positions
(d) The group members’ main concern is to maintain unanimity and group cohesion
(e) None of these
(10) Group think is unlikely to occur when which of the following factors is present?
(a) There is a high degree of stress in the decision-making process
(b) There are clear objective in the decision making process
(c) The group is homogeneous in composition
(d) The group is ideologically isolated
(e) None of these
(11) Factors predisposing an individual toeards feeling of jealousy include:
(a) Insecurity in self-conception
(b) Lack of intesnity of feelings of love
(c) Self hate
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(12) Behaviour episodes are:
(a) Organized sequences of behaviour
(b) Characterized by a constant direction of action
(c) Ofter overlapping
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(13) Self-assertive behaviour is an example primarily of:
(a) a stimulation motive
(b) a security motive
(c) an abundancy motive
(d) a survival motive
(e) None of these
(14) The emergency-control branch of human nervous system is:
(a) Sympathetic
(b) Parasympathetic
(c) Cerebrospinal
(d) Ventromedial
(e) None of these
(15) The "local" stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
(a) Anderson
(b) Beach
(c) Cannon
(d) Helson
(e) None of these
(16)Examples of ductless glands are:
(a) Gonads, slivary glands, adrenals
(b) tear glands, salivary glands, gonads
(c) Thyroid, pitutary, tear gland
(d) Adrenal, thyroid, gonads
(e) None of these
(17) In conditioning studies CR and UR:
(a) are usually, but no always, identical
(b) are rarely identical
(c) Have not similarity
(d) Are always identical
(e) None of these
(18) A curve which shows an overall negative slope may show:
(a) negative acceleration
(b) positive acceleration
(c) linear acceleration
(d) any one of the above
(e) None of these
(19) The development of any kind of skill depends intimately upon;
(a) Muscle facility
(b) Abstract knowledge
(c) Feedback
(d) Kinesthetic stimulation
(e) None of these
(20) Aphasia seems to be correlated with lesions to the:
(a) Temporal lobes of brain
(b) Motor Cortex of brain
(c) Cerebellar cortex of brain
(d) Frontal lobes of brain
(e) None of these
(a) Insecurity in self-conception
(b) Lack of intesnity of feelings of love
(c) Self hate
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(12) Behaviour episodes are:
(a) Organized sequences of behaviour
(b) Characterized by a constant direction of action
(c) Ofter overlapping
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(13) Self-assertive behaviour is an example primarily of:
(a) a stimulation motive
(b) a security motive
(c) an abundancy motive
(d) a survival motive
(e) None of these
(14) The emergency-control branch of human nervous system is:
(a) Sympathetic
(b) Parasympathetic
(c) Cerebrospinal
(d) Ventromedial
(e) None of these
(15) The "local" stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
(a) Anderson
(b) Beach
(c) Cannon
(d) Helson
(e) None of these
(16)Examples of ductless glands are:
(a) Gonads, slivary glands, adrenals
(b) tear glands, salivary glands, gonads
(c) Thyroid, pitutary, tear gland
(d) Adrenal, thyroid, gonads
(e) None of these
(17) In conditioning studies CR and UR:
(a) are usually, but no always, identical
(b) are rarely identical
(c) Have not similarity
(d) Are always identical
(e) None of these
(18) A curve which shows an overall negative slope may show:
(a) negative acceleration
(b) positive acceleration
(c) linear acceleration
(d) any one of the above
(e) None of these
(19) The development of any kind of skill depends intimately upon;
(a) Muscle facility
(b) Abstract knowledge
(c) Feedback
(d) Kinesthetic stimulation
(e) None of these
(20) Aphasia seems to be correlated with lesions to the:
(a) Temporal lobes of brain
(b) Motor Cortex of brain
(c) Cerebellar cortex of brain
(d) Frontal lobes of brain
(e) None of these