GRE Physics MCQs Tests
1. An alpha particle exerts larger coulomb force onnearby charges than electron because its charge is:
a) Less than that of electron
b) Greater than that of electron
c) Twice that of election
d) Zero
2. Which of the following produces more ionization while passing through a gas:
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma particles
d) Electrons
3. Alpha particles are highly ionized because of their:
a) Greater mass
b) Greater charge and low speeds
c) Greater density
d) Greater energy
4. The distance traveled by a particle from the source to point where it is stopped in the medium is called:
a) Its range
b) Its displacement
c) Its velocity
d) None of these
5. The range of alpha particles in air is less because:
a) It does interact with matter
b) it produces intense ionization
c) It is reflected soon
d) None of the above
6. Which of the particles does not produce fluorescence in substance like barium platino-cyanide:
a) α -particles b)
β -particles
c) Gamma particles
d) None of the above
7. β -particles ionize the atoms due to:
a) Electrostatic force of repulsion
b) Electrostatic force of attraction
c) Gravitational force
d) Direct collision
8. β - particles are:
a) Positively charged
b) Negatively charged
c) Neutral
d) None of the above
9. The β -particles have erratic path due to their:
a) Repulsion
b) High speeds
c) Frequent deflections
d) None of the above
10. The penetration power of β -particles is greater than α -particles due to their:
a) Smaller ionization power
b) Greater ionization power
c) Equal ionization power
d) None of the above
11. Neutron was discovered by:
a) Chadwick
b) Rutherford
c) Neil Bohr
d) Einstein
12. Electron was discovered in:
a) 1895
b) 1891
c) 1885
d) 1808
13. Radioactivity was discovered by:
a) Rutherford
b) Henn Becquad
c) Einstein
d) Rontgen
14. The charge on electron was discovered by Millikan in:
a) 1895
b) 1905
c) 1909
d) 1916
15. Structure of the nucleus was explained by:
a) J.J. Thomson
b) Bohr
c) Millikan
d) Rutherford
16. Rutherford discovered proton in:
a) 1925
b) 1920
c) 1906
d) 1909
17. Hydrogen bomb is an example of:
a) Nuclear fission
b) Nuclear fusion
c) Chain reaction
d) Chemical reaction
18. The example of fusion reaction is:
a) The formation of water from oxygen and hydrogen
b) The formation of barium and Krypton from uranium
c) The formation of helium from hydrogen
d) None of the above
19. Materials can be identified by measuring their:
a) Hardness
b) Density
c) Mass
d) Half-life
20. Radioactivity:
a) is exhibited more by semiconductors in general
b) in exhibited more by the elements when they are coupled with other radio-active elements by a convalent bond
c) is an atomic property of radioactive elements
d) None of these