· The statue of former President APJ Abdul Kalam was recently unveiled on his first death anniversary at - Peikarumbu (Rameswaram)
· The country which has become first in the world to make a contribution for the Trust Fund in support of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse - India
· The first permanent representative of India to the UN offices in Geneva who passed away recently - Arundhati Ghose
· The country which has recently been declared free from measles by the World Health Organization -Brazil
· The Indian Institute which was ranked World's 12th best Government Institute as per the Scimago Institution Ranking -Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
· The French politician who was appointed as Chief Brexit Negotiator by the European Commission -Michel Barrier
· Noted agricultural scientist best 'mown by the title 'Father of Hybrid Sorghum' in India who passed away recently - Neelamraju Ganga Prasad Rao
· The person who was formally nominated as Democratic candidate for Presidential election in America (first female presidential candidate of a major American party) - Hillary Clinton
· The wrestler who is going to represent India in the 74 kg category of wrestling for Rio Olympics replacing Narsingh Yadav due to failure of doping test - Parveen Rana