Current Affairs 07/07/2016

    ·        The first state in India to introduce minimum wages for part time workers - Rajasthan

    ·        The place in which Union Government has given in -principle approval for setting up a major port- Enayam (near Colachel in Tamil Nadu)

   ·        The world's largest charka was recently unveiled at - Indira Gandhi International Airport (New Delhi)

·        The country with which Union Government has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for import of pulses - Mozambique

·        The Indian para-swimmer who has won 8 medals in the 2016 International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports (IWAS) U-23 World Games - Niranjan Mukundan

·        The head of the four member committee which has been constituted by the Union Government to examine the feasibility and desirability of having a new financial year- Shankar Acharya

·        India's rank in the 2016 Networked Readiness Index released by World Economic Forum - 91 (First position -Singapore)

·        The scheme which was recently launched by Union Government which aims at providing Apprenticeship training to 50 lakh youths by 2019-20 - National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme 