10 Lessons Qandeel Baloch Murder Taught Us

The famous model Qandeel Baloch has been murdered by her own brother in Multan. According to her parent's and media, his brother Waseem has killed Qandeel Baloch because of her controversial pictures and videos on social media. Specially Qandeel Baloch's latest performance in BAN song was something which has never been done in Pakistan. She has gone too far but she forget that she is living in a society who does not accept what she was doing in the music videos.

Qandeel Baloch is no more with us and we hope that she will get justice of her murder in both words but she has left so many questions which will probably never going to be answered and she will be forgotten soon. But before people start forgetting Qandeel Baloch, I would like to share top ten lesson’s which we as Pakistani should learn from her murder live safe and longer in Pakistan.

1. Being bold is crime in Pakistan, especially if you are a woman

She has been murdered for being bold. Her semi nude pictures and videos are reason which makes her brother to kill her

2. Never ever mess with the religious personalities of Pakistan

You can mess with army and create controversial scandals with politicians of Pakistan but don’t even think about to mess with religious personalities. How can we forget Veena Malik?

3. Stop doing anything if your family did not agree with you

If you have decided to be bold and your family did not support’s you then please don’t do it.

4. Honor is limited to men of Pakistan only, it’s not for women

5. We have hypocrites in Pakistan. So many and too many of them

6. Being famous with labels in Pakistan is not really easy

7. Does not matter how many fans you have, they will not stand for you

8. People praise murder in Pakistan

9. You will be praised by activist and politics once you has been killed

10. Don't forget that you are a woman