Sentence Completion Using Grammar - Part 3

sentence correction

1. He is so bad- tempered that he has .............friends.
a. Few
b. Were
c. Lot of
d. A lot of

2. The examinee could guess ........ the answer correctly.
a. About
b. At
c. With
d. of

3. Jayant plays football experienced person.
a. As of
b. As if
c. As
d. As though

4. He has resigned himself ........fate.
a. For
b. To
c. In
d. Into

5. There is a disturbing nexus ........politics and sports in India.
a. Among
b. By
c. Between
d. With

6. Besides other provisions, that shopkeeper deals ...........cosmetic too. 
b. For
c. on
d. In

7. I have been ill .......... last sunday.
a. From
b. By
c. For
d. Since

8. It has been raining ........morning.
a. Till
b. Since
c. For
d. From

9. One should not be indifferent ......... the sufferings o others.
a. Of
b. At
c. About
d. To

10. Priya is not ........ for this kind of a job.
a. Cut through
b. Cut out
c. Cut in
d. Cut up

11. She had just ......... down when the telephone rang.
a. Lay
b. Lain
c. Laid
d. Lying

12. The boy you met yesterday is in class......
a. Nine
b. The nine
c. Ninth
d. The ninth

13. The mounting pressure was so overwhelming that he ultimately........ to her wish.
a. Gave in
b. Yielded in
c. Agreed in
d. Cowed in

14. She ........ from the crowd because of her height and flaming red hair.
a. Stood up
b. Stoop out
c. Stood by
d. Stood off

15. Ajit promised me that he would come ........did not turn up.
a. But
b. Still
c. And
d. Though