I.S.S.B Interview: Complete Information with Questions and answers

I.S.S.B Interview: Complete Information with Questions and answers 

What are ISSB Interviews ??

   ISSB Interviews are an essential part of the selection of the candidates in ISSB Tests. Interviews of ISSB have important role in selection of a candidate for Armed Forces of Pakistan. A successful interview during ISSB tests can win a decent carrier for a candidate. On the other hand a little bit deficiency during interview of issb tests can lead remorse for whole lifetime.

     In ISSB test, interview gives the true image of a candidates personality. Mostly in ISSB interview questions are asked which bring out the true image of a candidate's personality, his familiarity with general information and national as well as common issues of that society.

The interview of ISSB is not only a chance for the interviewer to assess if you are the right person for the Armed Forces of Pakistan, but it is also an opportunity for you during ISSB to see if the forces are suitable for you. Your answer to the Questions asked during ISSB interview should reflect your keenness to work for the Forces. 
However the psychological interview during ISSB test also gives the all real aspects of candidates' personality as well.

Must Read : Complete Guide about all ISSB tests.

How to  make ISSB Interview Successful 

Here are the most important characteristics which can lead towards a perfect interview during issb.

First thing is your dress. Dress is the the mirror of a candidate personality.A Candidate's dress code during tests and non-tests is noted in I.S.S.B.So,candidate's dress code should be very clean,well-fitted and suitable for his personality.Expensive dresses doesn't lead to a perfect interview.Your true personality is the key role for success in interview.

So, For ISSB Interview

      "Chose that dress which is neat and clean,Fit and suitable for your personality."

Second most important thing during interviews of ISSB is Entrance in room. Before your turn,make sure your dress and your hair style etc is well.Then when the bell ring,Never rush immediately towards the room.Stay calm,Take a long breath and open the door and ask for the permission

                          "May I come in sir? "

Wait for the reply from officer.If he's not responding stay calm and ask again.When you are allowed to enter,just say


and ask for your seat i.e

"Aslam_o_alakum sir, can i take my seat?"

Then after permission take your seat and sit in such manner as shown below

I.S.S.B Interview: Complete Information with Questions and answers

But during interview of ISSB, Never cross your legs or your hands. It gives very bad impression to the interviewer of ISSB.  Don't offer hand-shake with interviewer of ISS. If interviewer offers you then shake hand well otherwise it is strongly not recommended that you offer hand shake to the ISSB interviewer.

Third and most important thing is your manners. In ISSB interview, little things matter much. Your manners tell a lot than your words. An interviewer can judge your personality just by your manners. Surely, a well mannered person can give his best performance just by his well manners during interview of ISSB.

It is mostly observed that candidates' impressions are made up of the following:

Body Language and image (70%) 

Tone of voice (20%) 

What you say (10%) 

So, You must remember these key points for a Successful ISSB interview. 

  • Always look into eyes of officer while talking and try to make eye-contact.
  • Face should posses a smile on it.
  • Face expression should be very calm and natural. Don't try to make any kind of movement or adjust your hairs or dress etc while interview of ISSB.
  • Think first then speak during interview.
  • Never try to make a false answer as the interviewers are always specialized in their respective fields.
  • If you don't know the answer then say "I don't know"
  • Never bluff yourself or keep on thinking on one question.
  • Don't show unnecessarily knowledge.
  • Keep your concentration levels up during the interview and make sure you listen to the responses the interviewer gives you.
  •  Make sure you give the interviewer your full attention.
  • You must wait for officer to finish them speaking, before you answer the question.
  • You should maintain an alert position, sit up straight, don't slump, but be comfortable during ISSB interview.
  • Always have a confident and honest attitude.
Watch this video for I.S.S.B Interview: Complete Information with Questions and answers .

    Check here : Questions and Answers for ISSB Interview