India Reserve Battalion General English Model Questions

1. This is the boys _____ purse was stolen yesterday.
(a) who       (b) whom   (c) which    (d) whose
Ans: d

2. What is the_____ score in the cricket match?
(a) last        (b) late      (c) latest     (d) later
Ans: c

3. The patient's condition has turned from bad to _____.
(a) bad        (b) worse   (c) worst   (d) sore
Ans: b

4. Be firm; don't _____ to threats.
(a) give up           (b) give in           (c) give off           (d) give on
Ans: b

5. Though outnumbered by the enemy, they _____ a brave fight.
(a) putup   (b) put in   (c) put out           (d) put on
Ans: a

6. Had you not come, I _____ angry with you.
(a) would be        (b) will be (c) would have been     (d) had been
Ans: c

7. You have no right to interfere _____ my work.
(a) with      (b) in          (c) into       (d) at  
Ans: a

8. Nobody knew the answer, _____?
(a) do they?         (b) did they?        (c) didn't they?    (d) did he?
Ans: b

9. One word for a four-footed animals.
(a) centipede       (b) quadruped     (c) quadrilateral (d) quarter
Ans: b

10. ‘On cloud nine' means:
(a) extremely happy     (b) greatly sad
(c) highly imaginary     (d) grossly unearthly
Ans: a

11. The passive voice of ‘Your memory surprises me' is:
(a) Iam surprised by your memory.
(b) I was surprised by your memory.
(c) I had been surprised by your memory.
(d) Iam surprisedat your memory.
Ans: d

12. Choose the right indirect speech of:
He said, “Where can I get an application form?"
(a) He enquired where could he get an application form.
(b) He enquired where he could get an application form.
(c) He enquired where he gotan application form.
(d) He enquired whether he could get an application form.
Ans: b

13. Choose the correct spelling:
(a) previlige         (b) privilege         (c) previlage        (d) privelage  
Ans: b

14. How I wish I _____ there now!
(a) were      (b) was      (c) had been        (d) am
Ans: a

15. The choice was _____ two equally good things.
(a) among  (b) in         (c) between         (d) of
Ans: c

16. Lions roar; horses _____.
(a) bleat     (b) squeak  (c) caw      (d) neigh
Ans: d

17. ‘a tempo' means:
(a) in time                              (b) right tune     
 (c) right temperament                   (d) fine temperature
Ans: a

18. The opposite of ‘forbid' is:
(a) prevent                    (b) allow     (c) bar       (d) stop
Ans: b

19. _____ is a synonym of 'affluence’.
(a) pleasure         (b) extravagance         
(c) indulgence     (d) prosperity
Ans: d

20. Choose the correct sentence:
(a) This is the book of which I talked you about yesterday.
(b) She is blind to her husband's faults.
(c) Cheese is made of milk.
(d) Call me when you were free.
Ans: b