Making money from blog is not very simple but it also not very hard. If you have a blog with meaningful and own content then you easily earn money from your blog.
For earning better money or making money from your blog then your blog must have following thing:
Google provide you a advertise code this code you paste in your blog post or put on blog right side in aside bar with blogger widget. When user see adsense ads on your blog or clock on adsense ads and google provide you dollar for clicking ads or visiting ads.
For earning better money or making money from your blog then your blog must have following thing:
- Little simple words blog url address
- Simple and content relative title of blog
- Simple and user-friendly blog template
- Your own words and meaningful content
Google provide you a advertise code this code you paste in your blog post or put on blog right side in aside bar with blogger widget. When user see adsense ads on your blog or clock on adsense ads and google provide you dollar for clicking ads or visiting ads.