Geography Questions and Answers

1. Which is the largest west flowing river in India?
Ans: Narmada

2. Rainfall from the southwest monsoon occurs between _____?
Ans: June & September

3. Which months are the season of retreating monsoon?
Ans: October & November

4. Which is the most important type soil in India?
Ans: Alluvial Soil

5. Which river line island on the river Brahmaputra is the largest in the South East Asia?
Ans: Majui

6. Which lake in Manipur is famous for its floating islands?
Ans: Loktak

7. Which state is known as 'the Land of Legends'?
Ans: Gujarat

8. Which is the southern most point in India?
Ans: Indira Point

9. _____ is considered as the northern most point of India?
Ans: Indira Col

10. With which country India shares maximum land border?
Ans: Bangladesh

11. Geographically, which mountain range seperates northern India from southern India?
Ans: The Vindhya

12. Which is the only tidal port in India?
Ans: Kandla

13. Which part of India are the coniferous forests found?
Ans: The Himalayas

14. Which type of soil is also known as 'regur soil'?
Ans: Black soil

15. Which type of soils are famous for 'self ploughing'?
Ans: Black soil

16. The presence of which metal gives color to the red soil?
Ans: Iron oxide

17. Which type of soil is developed in areas with high temperature & high rainfall?
Ans: Laterite soil

18. Which mountain ranges of India run parallel to the Bay of Bengal?
Ans: Eastern Ghats

19. Which mountain ranges are parallel to the Arabian Sea?
Ans: Western Ghats

20. In which Indian river is the islands of Sivasamudram & Srirangam are Situated?
Ans: Kaveri

21. In which Indian state is the mountain ranges of Vindhya & Satpura are situated?
Ans: Madhya Pradesh

22. Who publishes the topographic maps of India?
Ans: The Survey of India

23. Which country is known as 'Junior America'?
Ans: Canada

24. Which country has the longest coastline in the world?
Ans: Canada

25. Which countries are seperated by the Medicine Line?
Ans: Canada, USA

26. In which mountain range is the peak Godwin Austin situated?  
Ans: Karakoram Range

27. What is the usual shape of the dealtas?
Ans: Triangular

28. The days when the Sun shines vertically on the equator is called ____?
Ans: Equinoxes

29. Which is the biggest circle drawn on the globe?
Ans: Equator

30. The Ozone Belt is situated at levels between _____ Kms above atmosphere?
Ans: 20-40 Kms.

31. In which ocean is the notorious Ring of Fire situated?
Ans: Pacific Ocean

32. What does a Beaufort Scale measure?
Ans: Different Wind Strengths

33. Monsoon winds are the example for _____ type of winds?
Ans: Seasonal Winds

34. Which kind of wind is Roaring Forties, Furious Fifties and Shrieking Sixties?
Ans: Westerly Winds

35. Which type of clouds are implicated in the formation of ozone holes?
Ans: Nacreous Clouds

36. Land breeze and Sea breeze are examples of _____?
Ans: Local Winds

37. Which type of winds are found in the tropics towards the Earth's equator?
Ans: Trade winds

38. What are the prevailing winds in the middle latitudes between 35 & 65 degree latitudes?
Ans: Westerlies

39. The Sea breeze flows from _____ to _____?
Ans: Sea to land

40. Which local wind has the nick-name of 'the Snow eater'?
Ans: Chinook

41. The tornadoes are associated with which type of clouds?  
Ans: Cumulonimbus

42. Which instrument is used to 'measure atmospheric humidity?
Ans: Hygrometer

43. A line that indicates equal or constant pressure on a map is called ____?
Ans: Isobar

44. A line that connects points on a map that have the same temperature is ______?
Ans: Isotherm

45. The Greater Barrier Reefs are the part of which country?
Ans: Australia 

46. The Grand Canyon is on the river _____?
Ans: Colorado River (USA)

47. Fathom is the unit used to measure _____?
Ans: Sea depth

48. 'Slack Water' is the phenomenon associated with _____?
Ans: Tides  

49. What is the unit used to measure the speed of the ships?
Ans: Knot

50. What is the interval between two tides?
Ans: 12 hours and 25 minutes 