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Last Date:

20 June 2016

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General Recruitment

The Application Fee for posts (BS-14, 16 & 17 = Rs. 300/- ; BS 18= Rs. 750/- ; BS-19 = Rs. 1200/- ; BS-20 and above=Rs. 1500/-) may be deposited in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government under head �C02101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY FPSC�. Bank draft / Cheque/ Postal Order is not acceptable.
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AS AMENDED UPTO 12.06.2006
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the
Federal Public Service Commission, Ordinance, 1977 (XLV of 1977), the President is
pleased to make the following regulations:-
1. Short title: –
These regulations may be called the Federal Public Service Commission
(Composition and Condition of Service) Regulations, 1978.
2. Definitions: -
In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context.
(a) “Commission” means the Federal Public Service Commission; and
(b) “Member” means a Member of the Commission and, unless there
is anything repugnant in the subject or context, includes the
Chairman thereof.
∗3. Composition. –
The Commission shall consist of a Chairman and not more than eleven
Provided that if, at any time, by reason of an increase in the business of the
Commission, or for any other reason, it becomes necessary to increase
temporarily the number of members, the President may appoint such number of
additional members as appears to him to be necessary.
*4. The pay, allowances and perquisites of the Chairman and Members of the
Commission, from the 1st of July, 2000, shall be as provided in schedule-1 to these
∗ Substituted vide Estt. Division’s SRO 427/2000 dated 24th June, 2000.
5. Pay of Members –
(1) If a serving Government servant is appointed as Member, he shall draw pay
as admissible to him as such Government servant:
Provided that a serving Government servant who is promoted to a higher
grade after his appointment as Member shall draw pay in the higher grade to
which he is promoted from the date of such promotion.
(2) If a retired Government servant is appointed as Member he shall draw pay in
the grade in which he retired, in accordance with the rules applicable on reemployment
to retired Government servants.
6. Allowances –
A Member shall be allowed all such allowances including Senior-Post Allowance,
Entertainment Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, Conveyance
Allowance or free use of official car in lieu thereof, as are sanctioned by
Government for officers of the corresponding grade under the Government.
7. Leave –
A Member shall be allowed leave as admissible to Government servants of the
corresponding grade:
(1) Provided that the grant of leave will depend on the exigencies of service and
will not be claimed as a matter of right.
⊗(2) Omitted.
8. Traveling allowance, etc –
A Member shall be allowed Traveling Allowance, facilities for medical treatment
and orderly at residence as admissible to officers of corresponding grades under
∗∗9. Pension:-
(1) No pension shall be attached to the office of a Member, and
(2) A Member who is a re-employed retired Government servant shall not be
entitled to any pension or gratuity in respect of his service as Member.
(3) A Member who was neither a Government servant nor a retired Government
servant at the time of his appointment as Member shall be entitled to gratuity
equal to one month’s pay for each completed year of service as Member, subject
to the gratuity not exceeding eight months pay.
⊗ Omitted vide Estt. Division’s Notification No.F.10/32/95-R.2(Pt) dated nil.(SRO (I)/99)
∗∗ Substituted vide Estt. Division SRO 427/2000 dated 24th June, 2000
10. Other matters:-
In respect of any matter, which is not covered by these regulations, a Member
shall be governed by the rules or orders applicable to officers of the
corresponding grade under Government, or as may, in any particular case, be
determined by the President.
The staff of the Commission shall be as set out in Schedule-II to these
∗12. Appointment of Secretary:-
The Secretary shall be appointed from amongst serving government servants by
the President, or a person authorized by him, in consultation with the Chairman.
13. Term of office of Secretary:-
The Secretary shall hold office ordinarily for a term of four years, but the
President may extend the term, or curtail it, as the President may deem
14. Age of retirement of Secretary:-
No person shall, unless the President otherwise directs be appointed as
Secretary, or continue to hold office as Secretary, after he has attained the age
for the time being fixed for the retirement of Government servants from service..
15. Pay and allowances of Secretary:-
The Secretary shall draw pay and allowances as admissible to him as a serving
Government servant.
∗16. Appointment of officers and staff of the Commission:-
The Chairman, or a person designated by him, shall be authority competent to
make appointments to various posts of Officers and Staff of the Commission.
*17. Discipline and appeal, etc:-
(I) The appointing authority under regulation 16 shall be the Authority under the
Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, for the Officers and
Staff of the Commission.
∗ Substituted vide Estt. Division’s SRO.427/2000, dated 24th June, 2000
∗ Substituted vide Estt. Div. SRO 427/2000, dated 24th June, 2000
(2) An appeal shall lie to the Chairman against an order imposing a penalty
passed by the ‘Authority’ or the ‘Authorized Officer’ other than the Chairman.
(3) No appeal shall lie where a penalty is imposed by the Chairman but the
aggrieved person may apply for review of the order.
(4) Every appeal or a review petition shall be submitted within a period of thirty
days of the communication of the order against which appeal or, as the case may
be, review petition is preferred.
*(18) Terms and conditions of service of Officers and Staff:-
(I) Subject to Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance 1977 (XLV of 1977),
or these regulationsi)
the terms and conditions of the Secretary and other Officers and Staff of the
Commission shall be the same as of civil servants in corresponding basic pay
scales under Federal Government; and
ii) the Secretary and other officers and staff of the Commission shall be
governed by the Civil Servants, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), and the rules made there
(2) Any question arising as to which rules or orders are applicable to
the case of any officer or member of Staff of the Commission shall be decided by
the Chairman
(See regulation 4)
01 Pay **
i. Rs.51,000 /- p.m.
w.e.f 01.07.2005
ii. Rs.59,000 /- p.m.
w.e.f 01.07.2006
**i. Rs.51,000 /- p.m.
w.e.f 01.07.2005
ii. Rs.59,000 /- p.m.
w.e.f 01.07.2006
02 Special Allowance Rs.6000/- p.m.` -
03 Equipment Allowance Rs.5000/- (one time) -
04 Sumptuary/Entertainment
Rs.6000/- p.m. Rs.5000/- p.m.
05 Orderly Allowance #Rs.2375/-p.m. -
06 Subsidy for maintenance
of garden at residence
Rs.1900/-p.m. -
07 Furnishing Allowance Rs.100,000/-
(One time)
(One time)
08 House (rental ceiling)
$ Rs.75,000/- p.m.
***Rs.50,000/- p.m.
09 Electricity, Gas Charges
# Lump sum utility
allowance Rs.22000/- per
month w.e.f. 01.07.2004
for payment of utility bills in
lieu of electricity charges as
admissible to Federal
Minister and Minister of
Free upto Rs.1500/- per
10 Air conditioner Three Two
12 Gas Heater Three Two
12 Car Chauffeur driven 1600cc for
official and private purpose.
Chauffeur driven 1300cc
for official and private
13 Telephone
No limit No limit
14 TA/DA/Medical Leave As admissible to MOS As admissible to MOS
15 Accommodation facility
on tours
As admissible to MOS As admissible to MOS
16 Petrol # As admissible to MOS # As admissible to MOS
1. *Substituted vide Estt Division’s SRO 427 /2000, dated 24.06.2000
2. **approved by the President vide President Secretariat’s F.No.3(01)/Dir(B-I)/07, dated
3. # Added vide SRO 1015(I)/2004, dated 14.12.2004.
4. *** Revised vide Cabinet Division’s letter No.2-17/2004-Min.I, dated. 23.02.2005
5. $ Increased vide SRO 622 (I)/2006, dated 12.06.2006
(See Regulation-11)
No. of Members of the staff of Federal Public Service Commission
1 Secretary 21 01
2 Executive Director General 21 01
3 Director General 20 03
4 Chief Psychologist 20 01
5 Chief I.T. 20 01
6 Directors 19 09
7 Senior Psychologist 19 02
8 Educational Consultant 19 01
9 Deputy Chief I.T. 19 01
10 Deputy Directors 18 13
11 Psychologists 18 02
12 Senior Research Officers 18 01
13 System Analyst 18 01
14 Programmer 18 01
15 Database Administrator 18 01
16 Quality Assurance Officer 18 01
17 Junior Programmer 17 02
18 Website Manager 17 01
19 Network Administrator 17 01
20 Assistant Psychologist 17 04
21 Data Control Officers 17 03
22 Research Officers 17 03
23 Assistant Directors 17 35
24 Private Secretary 17 12
25 Deputy Assistant Directors 16 11
26 Assistant Librarian 16 01
27 Superintendent Record 16 01
28 System Operator 16 03
29 Computer Operator 16 01
30 Transport Officer 16 01
31 Assistant Database Administrator 16 01
32 Hardware Engineer 16 01
33 Assistant Network Administrator 16 05
34 Data Processing Assistant 16 18
Total Gazetted Officers 144
1 Stenographer 15 30
2 Assistant Incharge 15 02
3 Stenotypist 12 47
4 Statt. Assistant 11 06
5 Assistant 11 64
6 Security Supervisor 11 01
7 Library Assistant 11 01
8 Draftsman 11 01
9 KPO 10 15
10 Terminal Operator 10 02
11 UDC 07 35
12 Telephone Operator 07 02
13 L.D.C. 05 61
14 Driver 04 31
15 D.R. 04 02
16 D.M.O. 04 03
17 Electrician 04 01
18 Lift Operator 03 03
19 Book Sorter 02 01
20 Daftry 02 16
21 Qasid 02 14
22 Naib Qasid 01 58
23 Frash 01 02
24 Chowkidar 01 10
25 Bus Cleaner 01 01
26 Khakroob 01 10
Total Non-gazetted Staff 419

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