Applying to study in US is absolutely fair and merit-based, says Rita Akhtar

Islamabad, Held yearly 'The News' Expo is the best one of a kind stage and a linkage between the understudies hopeful of value advanced education in the prestigious national and global instructive organizations.

It is a great open door for the understudies as well as for the guardians to get the immediate data about their preferred organization giving right training. This stage additionally gives them a straight abundance to have answer of any in their psyche from the delegates of the neighborhood and worldwide scholastic associations.

These perspectives were communicated by the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) Executive Director Rita Akhtar in a meeting with 'The News'. USEFP is an accomplice of 'The News' Education Expo 16'.

Noting one successive trepidation among the imminent competitors is that the choice procedure of applying to examine in the US is truly reasonable or not, Rita Akhtar completely answered that it is totally reasonable and merit-based.

She said the USEFP controls various US grant and association programs for the Pakistani understudies to concentrate on in the United States.

The USEFP was built up in 1950 by the legislatures of Pakistan and the United States. USEFP is one of 50 'Fulbright Commissions' situated all through the world. So significantly more than about 5,000 Pakistanis and more than 900 Americans have taken part in USEFP-regulated trade programs the biggest of which is the Fulbright program.

The Fulbright Program, is a system of focused, legitimacy based awards for universal instructive trade for understudies, researchers, instructors, experts, researchers and specialists.

The Fulbright Masters and PhD Program stores graduate study in the United States for a Master's or Ph.D. degree. Subsidized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), these awards spread educational cost, required reading material, airfare, a living stipend, and medical coverage.

For the PhD degree program, qualified candidates will have a Master's, MPhil or tantamount degree (at least 18 years of formal instruction) from a licensed college. It is very alluring that applicants have work involvement in instructing, research, or general society segment in Pakistan.

Moreover, the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program - Pakistan (Global UGRAD-Pakistan) in Pakistan is directed by the USEFP and in the United States by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX).

The Global UGRAD system is intended to grant undergrad Pakistani understudies enlisted at a college in Pakistan. The Global UGRAD-Pakistan program offers social/scholarly trade through a non degree program for a semester at a college in the US.

The USEFP Executive Director said: "The establishment regulates an assortment of projects that send Pakistani understudies and researchers to American grounds while conveying American researchers to colleges in Pakistan. The point of all USEFP projects is to help Pakistanis take in more about the US and to help Americans take in more about Pakistan and its kin.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, another prominent carries fulfilled mid-vocation experts with exhibited initiative potential to the United States for a year of graduate-level non-degree scholastic coursework and expert advancement exercises. This 10 month program comprises of scholarly coursework and temporary position in a significant expert association. By giving future pioneers and arrangement creators with involvement in US society, society, and expert fields, the system gives a premise to enduring, gainful ties amongst Americans and their expert partners abroad.

The Community College Initiative Program is intended to bolster Pakistani youthful experts at licensed US junior colleges for one year of non-degree study projects are being offered in the accompanying fields: Agriculture, Applied Engineering, Business Management and Administration, Media, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Public Safety (Rescue/Disaster Management Services) and Early Childhood Education.

She said we direct various institutionalized exams including paper-based tests, PC based tests and web based tests. Well known are GRE, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, USMLE and others including Mock Test.

Noting why understudies ought to pick US for higher studies, she said the United States has one of the world's best college frameworks, with remarkable projects in for all intents and purposes all fields. At the undergrad level, astounding projects exist in customary orders and in addition in expert fields. At the graduate level, understudies frequently have the chance to work specifically with a portion of the finest personalities on the planet. Degrees are perceived all through the world for their fabulousness.

With respect to's worry, she said their worry is characteristic in regards to their youngsters leaving home and going far away, yet permitting your kid to think about in the United States will help them develop and get to be mindful grown-ups.

Colleges are exceptionally specific about grounds wellbeing and have extraordinary security experts alloted for this reason. Universal understudies are given wellbeing data amid introduction and can call the grounds security line whenever. Most schools give understudies chances to blend with other universal and nearby understudies through action clubs, brotherhoods and social affiliations. These encounters and connections help them change in accordance with the new environment.

She over and again expressed that USEFP part is completely unbiased in all admiration and its working is absolutely justify based. "We support understudies of remote and far-flung regions of Pakistan to come sent and apply for the study grants in US. Understudies of open area scholastic organizations are supported and they ought not under evaluation themselves as USEFP's choice and examination criteria is absolutely straightforward and merit-based and have no segregation with the scholarly foundations of exclusive class and having huge names," she included.

She said anybody willing in acquiring advanced education in USA ought to visit our site and take a gander at the data there, in light of the fact that the procedure truly is not that troublesome.