Advanced GK Questions

1. Which award is instituted by Union Home Ministry for honouring persons who show courage in saving the life & property of members of another community or caste?
Ans: Kabeer Puraskar

2. Name the rebellion occurred in Chhotanagpur during the period of 1820-1837?
Ans: Kol rebellion

3. What was the way of Satyagraha by the first individual Satyagraha Vinoba Bhave?
Ans: Making anti-war speech

4. In which year Jahangir issued the Charter to East India Company for establishing the trade establishments in India?
Ans: 1617

5. Which important incident occurred in Indian history on 9th August 1925?
Ans: Kakori Train Robbery

6. In which year the Constitution for India was drafted by the Nehru Committee?
Ans: 1928

7. Through which mission the British Government for the first time recognized ‘the Right of Dominion for India'?
Ans: Cripps Mission

8. Who was the Vice-President of the Interim Government formed in 1946?
Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru

9. Who is known as the Father of Renaissance of Western India'?
Ans: M.G. Ranade

10. Who founded the Widow Marriage Association in 1861?
Ans: M.G. Ranade

11. Who was the Political Guru of Gopal Krishna Gokhale & Bal Gangadhar Tilak?
Ans: M.G. Ranade

12. Who is often called as 'the Hindu Luther of Northern India'?
Ans: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

13. Which river enters India through Shipki La from Tibet?
Ans: Satluj

14. In which Union Territory is the Saddle Peak National Park situated?  
Ans: Andaman & Nicobar Islands

15. Which is the only tributary of Ganga that rises in the plains?
Ans: Gomti

16. Which local wind has the nickname of 'Doctor'?
Ans: Harmattan

17. The main source of lead, zinc ores in India, the Zawar mines are located in which state?
Ans: Rajasthan

18. In which year was the' Twenty point programme introduced for the first time?
Ans: 1975

19. Which scheme's component is 'Sneha Shivir'?
Ans: Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

20. Name the bank set up in 1969 by the Government of India with the main objective of rehabilitating repatraints from Burma and Sri Lanka?  
Ans: Repco Bank

21. In which state of USA is the famous 'Death Valley' situated?
Ans: California

22. The famous Galilean moons are the satellites of which planet?
Ans: Jupiter

23. Which Indian state is best known for monazite sands, source of thorium?
Ans: Kerala

24. The Ukai reservoir is built across the river _____? 
Ans: Tapti

25. Which country was the first to be granted a loan by the World Bank?  
Ans: France

26. Which part of the human body absorbs oxygen directly from the air?  
Ans: Cornea of eye

27. Where in India is Flame of Freedom (Swatantra Tyothi) lit?
Ans: The Cellular Jail in Andamans

28. Who presented the first budget in Indian history?
Ans: Sir James Wilson

29. Which was the first Indian State to institute a Disaster Management Authority?
Ans:  Kerala

30. Which mineral has the relative hardness of 10 in the Mobs Scale?
Ans: Diamond

31. Which was the first country to grant voting rights to women in 1893?
Ans: New Zealand

32. Who is the only scientist to lead India's both Antarctic and Arctic expedition teams?
Ans: Rasik Ravindra

33. Which art form is the combination of Mohiniyattam & Kathakali?  
Ans: Kerala Natanam

34. Which element has the highest melting point?
Ans: Carbon

35. Name the Swedish chemist, who was the first to describe the Global warming & Greenhouse effect in 1896?
Ans: Svante Arrhenius

36. Which' is the only state party to perform as the main opposition in the Lok Sabha?
Ans: Telugu Desam Party

37. Which is the largest tribal community in India?
Ans: The Santals

38. Who did the first scientific attempt to calculate the national income of India in 1931-32?
Ans: Dr. V.K. Rao

39. Name the Pakistani economist who was behind the preparation of the first Human Development Report published by UNDP?
Ans: Mahbuh-ul-Huq

40. Who translated Edwin Arnold's 'Light of Asia' into Malayalam?  
Ans: Nalappat Narayana Menon

41. Which element is used to coat the photocopying drum of Xerox machine?
Ans: Selenium

42.  Which spiritual leader's throne is the Lion Throne?
Ans: Dalai Lama

43. In India, where is Nasi I and Nasi II islands are situated?
Ans: Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary (Odisha)

44. Which metal is industrially produced through the Kroll Process?  
Ans: Titanium

45. Whose birthday is observed as the World Thinking Day?
Ans: Robert Baden Powell (February 22)

46. Which international service club was founded by Paul P Harris in 1905?
Ans: Rotary International

47. Which city hosted the first regular session of the U N General Assembly?
Ans: London

48. Which organisation is the largest vaccine supplies of the world?  

49. Where is India's first and only military base outside its territory is situated?
Ans: Farkhor (Tajikistan)

50. Which was the first Indian company to be listed on the American Stock Exchange NASDAQ?
Ans: Infosys 