Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl RA

Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl RA

Abu Jandal bin Suhayl RA was a companion of Rasulullah ï·º was the first person returned to Makkah after the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA is also the brother of   Abdullah Ibn Suhayl RA and Suhayl Ibn Amr is the orator of Quraish.

Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA – “a mustad afun” a young Sahabi of Rasulullah oppressed, imprisoned and prevented from emigration (hijrah) to Madinah.
Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA was an early convert to Islam, following the lead of his brother Abdullah Ibn Suhayl RA. Due to the position of their father Suhayl Ibn Amr in the leadership of Quraish, Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl RA and Abdullah Ibn Suhayl RA were persecuted and hid their conversion. Abdullah Ibn Suhayl RA converted to Islam and cleverly rode with the vanguard of Quraish to Badr where he switched sides and joined Rasulullah ï·º and battled against the pagans of Quraish and his father the next day.

Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA on the other hand was severely punished, When Suhayl learned that his second son Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl was a Muslim, Suhayl had Abu Jandal beaten and locked at home. Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA remained in this state under close watch and harsh punishment for several years until the time of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.
Hearing that Rasulullah ï·º was near Makkah and coming, Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA escaped and ran to the camp of the Muslims at Hudaibiyah. According to the treaty, any Makkans who attempted to become Muslim and flee to Madinah would be returned to Makkah. Upon seeing his son and understanding that Abu Jandal was attempting to flee to the security of Rasulullah ï·º, Suhayl pointed at his son and informed them that he (Abu Jandal) would be the first person returned to Quraish. Abu Jandal exclaimed to the Muslim people that they would return him to the polytheists when he comes to them as a Muslim?! Unfortunately, Rasulullah ï·º had to return Abu Jandal RA but encouraged him to remain steadfast.
Rasulullah ï·º and the Muslims with him encamped at Al-Hudaibiyah looking for a solution to the crisis that resulted from the Quraish’s attempt to block their way into Makkah where they wanted to do the Umrah. The Quraish sent several emissaries asking Rasulullah ï·º to go back as they were not prepared to let him and his companions in. Rasulullah ï·º, on the other hand, insisted that Rasulullah ï·º only wanted to visit the Kaabah and offer the Umrah. All the Quraish’s delegates went back advising them to make a compromise. Eventually, the Quraish sent a delegation headed by Suhayl ibn Amr.

Illustration Only: Tortured and Suffering of
Abu Jandal RA.
Rasulullah ï·º received them well. Rasulullah ï·º had already declared that he would positively respond to any peace arrangements the Quraish might offer. Now that this delegation arrived, he felt that it was time for an agreement to be made. Rasulullah ï·º instructed his companions to show their sacrificial animals and to raise their voices with phrases expressing the fact that they had come only in response to Allah’s call to honor the Sacred House.

The talks between the two sides were not easy. Despite the fact that Rasulullah ï·º was keen to achieve a peace settlement, the negotiations had to deal with several issues of substance. The topics included Rasulullah ï·º’s visit to the Sacred House; the Quraish’s determination not to seem to have given in to force; the possibility of agreeing a long truce between the two sides, putting an end to their frequent military clashes; the sort of relations which should exist between the two sides; and the freedom of each side to make any political moves on the wider horizon of the whole of Arabia.

There was, however, no reason to prolong these discussions. Rasulullah ï·º accepted all the Quraish’s conditions readily. It was Suhayl ibn Amr who took a long time in his presentation of each of those conditions and what each of them entailed. Indeed, the Quraish side were surprised that all their conditions were accepted by Rasulullah ï·º without too much trouble. It was necessary, however, to write the agreement down and to have it signed by representatives of both sides.

Rasulullah ï·º attitude caused a stir in the Muslim camp. They were not used to seeing Rasulullah ï·º taking such a very soft attitude. It was also surprising for the Quraish negotiators themselves as Rasulullah ï·º accepted all the terms the Quraish stipulated without consulting any of his companions in the matter, contrary to his normal practice.

Rasulullah ï·º then called in Ali ibn Abu Talib RA to write down the peace agreement. Again, Suhayl ibn Amr showed maximum rigidity, while Rasulullah ï·º showed complete flexibility.

Rasulullah ï·º told Saidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA to write: “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent.” Suhayl interrupted: “I do not know this. Write down: ‘In your name, Our Lord’.” Rasulullah ï·º told Saidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA  to write the phrase Suhayl proposed. He continued with his dictation: “These are the terms of the peace agreement negotiated between Muhammad, God’s Messenger, and Suhayl ibn Amr.” Again, Suhayl interrupted: “Had I accepted that you are God’s messenger, I would not have fought you.

You have to write down your name and your father’s name.” Rasulullah ï·º accepted Suhayl’s point and revised his dictation. The terms included that both parties will observe peace for ten years. However, if anyone from the Quraish joins Muhammad without permission from his guardian or chief, he shall be returned to the Quraish. By contrast, the Quraish need not return anyone from Rasulullah ï·º’s camp who joins them.

When the agreement was written down, witnesses from both sides were asked to sign the document. At that moment, Abu Jandal RA from Makkah arrived in handcuffs and with his legs in chains. Abu Jandal RA was being kept prisoner there because he was a Muslim. This man was none other than Suhayl’s own son, Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA. It was his father who imprisoned him and fastened his shackles. Nevertheless, Abu Jandal RA was able to escape and to take an unfamiliar route through the mountains surrounding Makkah until he arrived at Al-Hudaibiyah. When the Muslims saw him, they were very glad that he had been able to escape and gave him a fine reception.

While the peace agreement was being written down, Suhayl was too busy to notice anything. When it was finished, Suhayl looked up and saw his son among the Muslims. He went up to him, hit him in the face and took him by the collar. Abu Jandal RA cried aloud: “My fellow Muslims I to be returned to the unbelievers to try to turn me away from my faith?” Those words were very painful to the Muslims, some of whom started to cry.

Suhayl ibn Amr, however, was unmoved. He said to Rasulullah ï·º:
“This is the first person whose case I take up. You must return him to me.”
Rasulullah ï·º referred to the fact that Abu Jandal RA arrived before the agreement was completed: “We have not finished drawing up the document yet.”
Suhayl said: “Then I have not agreed any terms with you whatsoever.” Rasulullah ï·º pleaded: “Then allow him with me.”

Suhayl said that he would not. Mikraz, another member of the Quraish delegation, said that they should allow Muhammad to have Abu Jandal. The father was adamant and refused all appeals to let his son join the Muslims. He went further and began to hit his son with a thorny branch of a tree. Rasulullah ï·º again pleaded with him to let his son go, or at least not to torture him. But Suhayl would accept nothing. Some of Suhayl’s friends, however, extended their protection to Abu Jandal RA and his father stopped hitting him.
Rasulullah ï·º explained to Abu Jandal RA his inability to help him, speaking to him in a loud voice so that he could hear: “Abu Jandal, be patient and endure your situation for Allah’s sake. Allah will certainly provide for you and those who are suffering with you a way out of your hardship. We have made a peace agreement with those people, giving them a pledge by Allah that we will be faithful to the terms of our agreement. We shall not violate our pledges”.
After some time, Abu Jandal RA and the other people who had been returned to Makkah thought that they would simply escape from Makkah and settle somewhere other than Madinah. In doing this, they were able to escape their persecution and allow the treaty to stay intact and keep them-selves from being returned to Makkah. Abu Jandal RA and others led by Abu Basir RA gathered at a small town near the Jeddah coast called Ghufar, and their news spread to others wishing to escape Makkah as Muslims.
Desert Area in Hudaibiyah. Dry and Harsh
The insert photo of the well in Hudaibi
Eventually, this group of about 70 men with Abu Basir RA and Abu Jandal RA formed a raiding party to ravage the Makkan trade caravans on their way to and from Syria. For almost a year, Quraish was unable to get passed Abu Jandal RA and his peers, crushing the Makkan economy. Quraish then wrote Rasulullah ï·º in Madinah asking him to please welcome the men at Ghufar into Madinah and allow them to join him away from the Makkan caravans. Abu Basir RA died soon after reading Rasulullah ï·º’s invitation to Madinah, and Abu Jandal RA led the caravan of men and all of the wealth they had amassed to Madinah.

Al-Dhahabi reported that Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA died a martyr in the Plague of Emmaus in present-day Jordan in 18 AH or 639 CE.

When two years later Makkah fell to Islam and practically all its people became Muslims, there remained some of its leaders who needed time to review their position. Mostly, such people did not wish to feel, or to be perceived by others, as accepting Islam in order to save their lives. They wanted to make a free decision. Rasulullah ï·º did not pressure anyone to become a Muslim. However, the fact that the psychological barrier of old opposition was removed and people began to think clearly. Yet those who were in leading positions had a higher mountain to climb. They had to struggle against their past when they mobilized people’s resistance to Islam.

Suhayl ibn Amr was one of these. He reports: “When God’s Messenger entered Makkah, winning a clear victory, I went straight into my home and locked my door. I sent to my son asking him to request Rasulullah ï·º to extend protection to me.”
His son, Abdullah Ibn Suhayl RA, asked Rasulullah ï·º: ‘Would you extend protection to my father?’
Rasulullah ï·º said “Yes. He is safe under Allah’s security. Let him come out.”
Rasulullah ï·º then said to those sitting with him: “Suhayl is a man of wisdom and noble position. Someone like Suhayl could not be ignorant of Islam. He has realized that his opposition to it will avail him nothing.”

Abdullah ibn Suhayl RA went to his father and told him what Rasulullah ï·º said. He remarked: “By God, Muhammad always honored his commitments, both when he was young and now that he is old.” Suhayl ibn Amr enjoyed his freedom of movement, feeling secure.
Rasulullah ï·º moved to meet his enemies at the Battle of Hunayn, Suhayl Ibn Amr joined him but was still an unbeliever. Suhayl Ibn Amr then declared his acceptance of Islam when Rasulullah ï·º reached Al-Ji’irranah on his way back to Makkah.

Selected Hadiths Narrated by and Attributed to Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl RA.

Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 51, Peacemaking (Reconciliation)
Hadith no: 877
Narrated: Al-Bara bin Azib
On the day of Hudaibiyah, Rasulullah ï·º made a peace treaty with the Al-Mushrikun on three conditions: 1. Rasulullah ï·º would return to them any person from Al-Mushrikun (polytheists, idolators, pagans). 2. Al-Mushrikun pagans would not return any of the Muslims going to them, and 3. Rasulullah ï·º and his companions would come to Makkah the following year and would stay there for three days and would enter Makkah with their weapons in cases, e.g., swords, arrows, bows, etc. Abu Jandal came hopping, his legs being chained, but Rasulullah ï·º returned him to Al-Mushrikun.
Relevance: 10.4378

Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 52, Conditions
Hadith no: 888
Narrated: Marwan bin Al-Hakam and Al-Miswar bin Makhrama
From the companions of Rasulullah ï·º, When Suhayl bin Amr agreed to the Treaty (of Hudaibiyah), one of the things he stipulated then, was that Rasulullah ï·º should return to them (i.e. the Al-Mushrikun [pagans]) anyone coming to him from their side, even if he was a Muslim; and would not interfere between them and that person. The Muslims did not like this condition and got disgusted with it. Suhayl did not agree except with that condition. So, Rasulullah ï·º agreed to that condition and returned Abu Jandal to his father Suhayl bin Amr. Thenceforward Rasulullah ï·º returned everyone in that period (of truce) even if he was a Muslim. During that period some believing women emigrants including Um Kulthum bint Uqbah bin Abu Muait who came to Rasulullah ï·º and she was a young lady then. Her relative came to Rasulullah ï·º and asked him to return her, but Rasulullah ï·º did not return her to them for Allah had revealed the following Verse regarding women: "O you who believe! When the believing women come to you as emigrants. Examine them, Allah knows best as to their belief, then if you know them for true believers, Send them not back to the unbelievers, (for) they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers, Nor are the unbelievers lawful (husbands) for them...." (60.10)
Relevance: 8.0299

Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 52, Conditions
Hadith no: 906  
Narrated: Al-Miswar bin Makhrama and Marwan
(Whose narrations attest each other) Rasulullah ï·º set out at the time of Al-Hudaibiyah (treaty), and when they proceeded for a distance, he said, "Khalid bin Al-Walid leading the cavalry of Quraish constituting the front of the army, is at a place called Al-Ghamim, so take the way on the right." By Allah, Khalid did not perceive the arrival of the Muslims till the dust arising from the march of the Muslim army reached him, and then he turned back hurriedly to inform Quraish. Rasulullah ï·º went on advancing till he reached the Thaniyyah (i.e. a mountainous way) through which one would go to them (i.e. people of Quraish). The she-camel of Rasulullah ï·º sat down. The people tried their best to cause the she-camel to get up but in vain, so they said, "Al-Qaswa (i.e. the she-camel's name) has become stubborn! Al-Qaswa has become stubborn!" Rasulullah ï·º said, "Al-Qaswa has not become stubborn; for stubbornness is not her habit, but she was stopped by Him Who stopped the elephant." Then he said, "By the Name of Him in Whose Hands my soul is, if they (i.e. the Quraish infidels) ask me anything which will respect the ordinances of Allah, I will grant it to them." Rasulullah ï·º then rebuked the she-camel and she got up. Rasulullah ï·º changed his way till he dismounted at the farthest end of Al-Hudaibiyah at a pit (i.e. well) containing a little water which the people used in small amounts, and in a short while the people used up all its water and complained to Rasulullah ï·º of thirst. Rasulullah ï·º took an arrow out of his arrow-case and ordered them to put the arrow in that pit. By Allah, the water started and continued sprouting out till all the people quenched their thirst and returned with satisfaction. While they were still in that state, Budayl bin Warqa Al-Khuza’i came with some persons from his tribe Khuzaah and they were the advisers of Rasulullah ï·º who would keep no secret from him and were from the people of Tihama. Budayl said, "I left Kab bin Luai and Amir bin Luai residing at the profuse water of Al-Hudaibiyah and they had milch camels (or their women and children) with them, and will wage war against you, and will prevent you from visiting the Kaabah." Rasulullah ï·º said, "We have not come to fight anyone, but to perform the Umrah. No doubt, the war has weakened Quraish and they have suffered great losses, so if they wish, I will conclude a truce with them, during which they should refrain from interfering between me and the people (i.e. the Arab infidels other than Quraish), and if I have victory over those infidels, Quraish will have the option to embrace Islam as the other people do, if they wish; they will at least get strong enough to fight. But if they do not accept the truce, by Allah in Whose Hands my life is, I will fight with them defending my Cause till I get killed, but (I am sure) Allah will definitely make His Cause victorious." Budayl said, "I will inform them of what you have said." So, he set off till he reached Quraish and said, "We have come from that man (i.e. Muhammad) whom we heard saying something which we will disclose to you if you should like." Some of the fools among Quraish shouted that they were not in need of this information, but the wiser among them said, "Relate what you heard him saying." Budayl said, "I heard him saying so-and-so," relating what Rasulullah ï·º had told him. Urwa bin Masud got up and said, "O people! Aren't you the sons? They said, "Yes." He added, "Am I not the father?" They said, "Yes." He said, "Do you mistrust me?" They said, "No." He said, "Don't you know that I invited the people of Ukaz for your help, and when they refused I brought my relatives and children and those who obeyed me (to help you)?" They said, "Yes." He said, "Well, this man (i.e Rasulullah ï·º has offered you a reasonable proposal, you'd better accept it and allow me to meet him." They said, "You may meet him." So, he went to Rasulullah ï·º and started talking to him. Rasulullah ï·º told him almost the same as he had told Budayl. Then Urwa said, "O Muhammad! Won't you feel any scruple in extirpating your relations? Have you ever heard of anyone amongst the Arabs extirpating his relatives before you? On the other hand, if the reverse should happen, (nobody will aid you, for) by Allah, I do not see (with you) dignified people, but people from various tribes who would run away leaving you alone." Hearing that, Saidina Abu Bakr RA abused him and said, "Do you say we would run and leave Rasulullah ï·º alone?" Urwa said, "Who is that man?" They said, "He is Abu Bakr." Urwa said to Abu Bakr, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, were it not for the favor which you did to me and which I did not compensate, I would retort on you." Urwa kept on talking to Rasulullah ï·º and seizing Rasulullah ï·º's beard as he was talking while Al-Mughira bin Shuba was standing near the head of Rasulullah ï·º, holding a sword and wearing a helmet. Whenever Urwa stretched his hand towards the beard of Rasulullah ï·º), Al-Mughira would hit his hand with the handle of the sword and say (to Urwa), "Remove your hand from the beard of Rasulullah ï·º Urwa raised his head and asked, "Who is that?" The people said, "He is Al-Mughira bin Shuba." Urwa said, "O treacherous! Am I not doing my best to prevent evil consequences of your treachery?" Before embracing Islam Al-Mughira was in the company of some people. He killed them and took their property and came (to Madinah) to embrace Islam. Rasulullah ï·º said (to him), "As regards your Islam, I accept it, but as for the property I do not take anything of it. (As it was taken through treason)." Urwa then started looking at the Companions of Rasulullah ï·º. By Allah, whenever Rasulullah ï·º spat, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of them (i.e. Rasulullah ï·º 's companions) who would rub it on his face and skin; if he ordered them they would carry his orders immediately; if he performed ablution, they would struggle to take the remaining water; and when they spoke to him, they would lower their voices and would not look at his face constantly out of respect. Urwa returned to his people and said, "O people! By Allah, I have been to the kings and to Caesar, Khusraw and An-Najashi, yet I have never seen any of them respected by his courtiers as much as Muhammad is respected by his companions. By Allah, if he spat, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of them (i.e. the Prophet (SAW)'s companions) who would rub it on his face and skin; if he ordered them, they would carry out his order immediately; if he performed ablution, they would struggle to take the remaining water; and when they spoke, they would lower their voices and would not look at his face constantly out of respect." Urwa added, "No doubt, he has presented to you a good reasonable offer, so please accept it." A man from the tribe of Bani Kinanah said, "Allow me to go to him," and they allowed him, and when he approached Rasulullah ï·º and his companions, Rasulullah ï·º said, "He is so-and-so who belongs to the tribe that respects the Budn (i.e. camels of the sacrifice). So, bring the Budn in front of him." So, the Budn were brought before him and the people received him while they were reciting Talbiyyah. When he saw that scene, he said, "Glorified be Allah! It is not fair to prevent these people from visiting the Kaabah." When he returned to his people, he said, 'I saw the Budn garlanded (with colored knotted ropes) and marked (with stabs on their backs). I do not think it is advisable to prevent them from visiting the Kaabah." Another person called Mikraz bin Hafs got up and sought their permission to go to Rasulullah ï·º and they allowed him, too. When he approached the Muslims, Rasulullah ï·º said, "Here is Mikraz and he is a vicious man." Mikraz started talking to Rasulullah ï·º and as he was talking, Suhayl bin Amr came. When Suhayl bin Amr came, Rasulullah ï·º said, "Now the matter has become easy." Suhayl said to Rasulullah ï·º "Please conclude a peace treaty with us." So, Rasulullah ï·º called the clerk and said to him, "Write: By the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent, and the most Merciful." Suhayl said, "As for 'Beneficent,' by Allah, I do not know what it means. So write: By Your Name O Allah, as you used to write previously." The Muslims said, "By Allah, we will not write except: By the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent, and the most Merciful." Rasulullah ï·º said, "Write: By Your Name O Allah." Then he dictated, "This is the peace treaty which Muhammad, Rasulullah ï·º has concluded." Suhayl said, "By Allah, if we knew that you are Allah's Apostle (SAW) we would not prevent you from visiting the Kaba, and would not fight with you. So, write: "Muhammad bin Abdullah." Rasulullah ï·º said, "By Allah! I am Apostle (SAW) of Allah even if you people do not believe me. Write: Muhammad bin Abdullah." (Az-Zuhri said, “Rasulullah ï·º accepted all those things, as he had already said that he would accept everything they would demand if it respects the ordinance of Allah, (i.e. by letting him and his companions perform Umrah.)" Rasulullah ï·º said to Suhayl, "On the condition that you allow us to visit the House (i.e. Kaabah) so that we may perform Tawaf around it." Suhayl said, "By Allah, we will not (allow you this year) so as not to give chance to the Arabs to say that we have yielded to you, but we will allow you next year." So, Rasulullah ï·º got that written. Then Suhayl said, "We also stipulate that you should return to us whoever comes to you from us, even if he embraced your religion." The Muslims said, "Glorified be Allah! How will such a person be returned to the Mushrikun (pagans, idolaters, polytheists) after he has become a Muslim? While they were in this state Abu Jandal bin Suhayl bin Amr came from the valley of Makkah staggering with his fetters and fell down amongst the Muslims. Suhayl said, "O Muhammad! This is the very first term with which we make peace with you, i.e. you shall return Abu Jandal to me." Rasulullah ï·º said, "The peace treaty has not been written yet." Suhayl said, "I will never allow you to keep him." Rasulullah ï·º said, "Yes, do." He said, "I won't do." Mikraz said, "We allow you (to keep him)." Abu Jandal said, "O Muslims! Will I be returned to the pagans though I have come as a Muslim? Don't you see how much I have suffered?" Abu Jandal had been tortured severely for the Cause of Allah. Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "I went to Rasulullah ï·º and said, 'Aren't you truly Rasul of Allah?' Rasulullah ï·º said, 'Yes, indeed.' I said, 'isn’t our Cause just and the cause of the enemy unjust?' He said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Then why should we be humble in our religion?' He said, 'I am Allah's Rasul and I do not disobey Him, and He will make me victorious.' I said, 'Didn't you tell us that we would go to the Kaabah and perform Tawaf around it?' He said, 'Yes, but did I tell you that we would visit the Kaabah this year?' I said, 'No.' He said, 'So you will visit it and perform Tawaf around it?' “Umar further said, "I went to Abu Bakr and said, 'O Abu Bakr! Isn't he truly Rasul of Allah?' He replied, 'Yes.' I said, 'Then why should we be humble in our religion?' He said, 'Indeed, he is Allah's Rasul and he does not disobey his Lord, and He will make him victorious. Adhere to him as, by Allah, he is on the right.' I said, 'Was he not telling us that we would go to the Kaabah and perform Tawaf around it?' He said, 'Yes, but did he tell you that you would go to the Kaabah this year?' I said, 'No.' He said, "You will go to Kaabah and perform Tawaf around it." (Az-Zuhri said, “‘Umar said, 'I performed many good deeds as expiation for the improper questions I asked them.' ") When the writing of the peace treaty was concluded, Rasulullah ï·º said to his companions, "Get up and' slaughter your sacrifices and get your head shaved." By Allah none of them got up, and Rasulullah ï·º repeated his order thrice. When none of them got up, he left them and went to Um Salamah and told her of the people's attitudes towards him. Um Salamah said, "O Rasul of Allah! Do you want your order to be carried out? Go out and don't say a word to anybody till you have slaughtered your sacrifice and call your barber to shave your head." So, Rasulullah ï·º went out and did not talk to anyone of them till he did that i.e. slaughtered the sacrifice and called his barber who shaved his head. Seeing that, the companions of Rasulullah ï·º got up, slaughtered their sacrifices, and started shaving the heads of one another, and there was so much rush that there was a danger of killing each other. Then some believing women came (to Rasulullah ï·º); and Allah revealed the following Divine Verses:
"O you who believe, when the believing women come to you as emigrants examine them... (Up to)The disbelieving women as wives." (60.10)
Umar then divorced two wives of his who were infidels. Later on Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan married one of them, and Safwan bin Umayya married the other. Rasulullah ï·º returned to Madinah, Abu Basir, a new Muslim convert from Quraish came to him. The Infidels sent in his pursuit two men who said (Rasulullah ï·º )"Abide by the promise you gave us." So, Rasulullah ï·º handed him over to them. They took him out (of the City) till they reached Dhul-Hulayfah where they dismounted to eat some dates they had with them. Abu Basir said to one of them, "By Allah, O so-and-so, I see you have a fine sword." The other drew it out (of the scabbard) and said, "By Allah, it is very fine and I have tried it many times." Abu Basir said, "Let me have a look at it." When the other gave it to him, he hit him with it till he died, and his companion ran away till he came to Madinah and entered the Mosque running. When Rasulullah ï·º saw him he said, "This man appears to have been frightened." When he reached Rasulullah ï·º he said, "My companion has been murdered and I would have been murdered too." Abu Basir came and said, "O Rasulullah ï·º by Allah, Allah has made you fulfill your obligations by your returning me to them (i.e. the Infidels), but Allah has saved me from them." Rasulullah ï·º said, "Woe to his mother! What excellent war kindler he would be, should he only have supporters." When Abu Basir heard that he understood that Rasulullah ï·º would return him to them again, so he set off till he reached the seashore. Abu Jandal bin Suhayl RA got himself released from them (i.e. infidels) and joined Abu Basir RA. So, whenever a man from Quraish embraced Islam he would follow Abu Basir RA till they formed a strong group. By Allah, whenever they heard about a caravan of Quraish heading towards Sham, they stopped it and attacked and killed them (i.e. infidels) and took their properties. The people of Quraish sent a message to Rasulullah ï·º requesting him for the Sake of Allah and Kith and kin to send for (i.e. Abu Basir and his companions) promising that whoever (amongst them) came to Rasulullah ï·º would be secure. So Rasulullah ï·º sent for them (i.e. Abu Basir's companions)
AllahAzza WajallaI revealed the following Divine Verses:
“And it is He Who Has withheld their hands from you and your hands From them in the midst of Makkah, After He made you the victorious over them..(up to).. pride and haughtiness, the pride and haughtiness of the time of ignorance."
“And their pride and haughtiness was that they did not confess (write in the treaty) that he (i.e. Muhammad) was the Prophet (SAW) of Allah and refused to write: "In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful," and prevented the Muslims from visiting the Kaabah.
Relevance: 5.3298

Selected Video Story of Abu Jandal RA
Video 1 - Urdu
Video 2 - English 
Video 3 - English