Lahore—In an astonishment move, the School Education Department, Punjab has given over it 13 great performing schools of Lahore to Punjab Danish School Authority asserting that it would enhance the standard of instruction of these schools.
Instructors of state funded schools challenged against the choice of government before Ramdan. Government guaranteed the nonconformists that, not giving over these schools to Punjab Danish School Authority.
Be that as it may, in such manner a warning has been issued by school training division expressed that 13 schools which were given over to the Punjab Danish school Authority, incorporate the administration junior and Central model school No. 2 Rieti Gun, Government Islamia High school, Multan Road, Government Central model school Samanabad, Government High school Baghbanpura, Government conspire High School Taj Pura plan, Government Girls High School R-A Bazar, Government exhaustive Girls High School Wahadat street and government High School township.
Educators unions said that every school has more than 2 thousand understudies and they are performing extremely superb. Giving over these schools to the Danish School powers past comprehension.