There are total 3 Ashras for 30 days in The Holy month of Ramadan. Ramzan kareem is composed of 30 days in total which is divided into 3 ashra's. Ashra means 10 days. Every Ashra has its own significance. Below are three Dua's for evry Ashra.
Here are prayers (Dua's) to recite in these 3 Ashras.
Ramadan First Ashra Prayer:
First ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan are the days of Mercy. We should seek ALLAH's mercy in these days.
Ramadan Second Ashra Prayer:
The second ten days of Ramadan sharif are the days of Forgiveness, Seek ALLAH's forgiveness and repent for all sins.
Ramadan Third Ashra Prayer:
The last 10 days of Ramadan Mubarak are to seek Refuge in Allah from the Hellfire.