Pakistan's Nuclear Strength Essay in simple English

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Atomic energy or nuclear enrgy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. It is released through the process of fissuion, fusion or radioactivity. In these prcoesses, a small amount of mass converted into energy. This device which is used for producing the energy is called nuclear reactor. The branch of knowledge which deals with nuclear energy is called "nuclear physics".
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Nuclear reacoters are used for the purpose of power production. The reactor is constructed in such a way that the fission of atomic nuclei produces a nuclear chain reactions. The neutrons that are produced in this way are able to spilt other nuclei. Uranium or plutonium is used as a fuel. These reactions produces energy. This energy can be used in positve ways as well as negative ways. The negative uses of nuclear energy are highly destructive. Atomic bombs are the deadliest of all the weapons. They can kill millions of human beings in flash.

Nuclear energy is usually used for constructive purposes only. It is a main source of producing electricity. We have a nuclear power plant in karachi for generating electricity. Pakistan was always determined to use nuclear power for constructive purposes but in the late nineties the geo-political situation in our region changed. India conducted a series of atomic explosions in Rajihistan, not far away from the pakistan border. Since then the tone of the indian government totally changed and it started official threats to Pakistan. So our government thought it proper to pay back in the same coin.
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On the 28th May, 1998, at 3.15pm there was a biggest explosion at Chaghi, Balcohistan, Pakistan ever in our national history. The black mountains turned white. Everywhere in Pakistan there were slogans of "Allah-o-Akbar". This was the day when our political and millitary leadership and scientists displayed unmatched courage. By the grace of Allah Almighty, Pakistan emerged as the first Islamic Atomic Power. Pakistan was ackowledge as the sevent country in the world as a nuclear power after America, England, France, Russia And china.
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It was definitely a great moment in our history. This day gave us confindence and real strength. THis day made us really great. So every yer we celebrate the 28th of May as the Takbir Day. We hold functions and offer prayers. We express our gratitude to the Supreme Ruler, Allah Almighty. Every Pakistani is fully charged in thi sday. We pay homage to our scientists Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Dr. Samar Mubarak and their members of their team. We feel really proud of our great and devoted workers who had been working on this project secretly for the last twenty-five years. We will remember them forever for giving Pakistan nuclear streangth.

Pakistan nuclear abiltiy marks the begining of the revival of the islamic power. Pakistan has always been the champion of te islamic brotherhood. It has advocated the cause of the muslims world on the every forum. Our nation is one with all the muslims. So this act was a matter of great satisfaction to all the Islamic forever for giving Pakistan nuclear power. They are being slaugthered everywhere. Pakistan's atomic explosions have strenthened the Islamic Ummah.
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Pakistan had to pay the heavy price for acheiving this goal. Heavy sanctions were imposed on us. Financial aids and grants were withdran. The balance between our imports and exports was also shaken. This disturbed the economic infranstructure of our country because we heavily depend on these things. But in spite of all this our nation remained determined. We faed problems but we were satisfied. Our national pride had been ensured and for us this thing is superior to any material gain.

The final conclusion is that these difficulties cannot bow us down. We are an independent nation and we want to live with our eago unhurt.