Important Essay On Terrorism And Suicide Bombing

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If we look around, we find the reign of terror everywhere. Newspapers are full of terrorist activities. Terrorism means the organized use of violence. Small illegal political, regional or sectarian organizztions commit this type of violence. Their main purpose is to focus the government to acceot their unlawaful demands. These days, the whole world is badly hit by the wave of terrorism. But the position in Pakistan is all the more alarming.

Terrorists have developed a network that has roots in other countries as well. Their purpose are multi-dimensional. Sometimes they want to gain political ends and sometimes they want to reap economic benefits. Sometimes religious purposes urge them to commit such acts and sometimes the regional prejudices are the causes. Anyhow, whatever the motive is, their victims are always innocent people. This is why such acts are never hailed anywhere. Our agovernment, our people and our leaders all condemn such acts of cruelty.
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The Organized violence has recently taken a new turn in the form of suicide-bombing. This type of violence actually started in 1980s. In 1991, a Tamil woman exploded herself to kill the Indian Prime Mininster, Rajive Gandhi. Since then it has become a regular practice. Palestinian Muslims used it successfully against the Israili forces. The Chechenian Muslims followd the same techiniques against the Russian forces. In Afghanistan and Iraq, the freedom fighters are involoved in this type of welfare. As Pakistan is an American ally, the situation is worseining here as well.

People involved in the acts of terror are usually trapped by the evil-mongers. Such people normally range from twenty-five to thirty-five years of age. This is the age when a persion can very easily be misled by false motives. Pakistan seems to be a fit place for terrorist activities for many reasons. Our society provides very little chances to our young men to flourish. Rising prices have deprived them of the basic facilities of life. Most of the young men seem willing to do anything for money. Corruption and lawalessness are other frustrate the young people of our country. Then they fall an essay victim of terrorists.

These are many reasons behind this trend. After the incident of "nine-eleven", the whole world has turned into a war zone. Misunderstanding between the American Allies and the Muslim world is the main cause of the present day violence. American occuption of Afghanistan and Iraq has pushed the Muslims to the wall. They have been deprived of the basic facilities. So they find just one option before them, which is of violence only.
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The other reason is that Pakistan gives moral support to the innocent Kashmiris. To counter it, India sends its agents in the territory of Pakistan to co create problems. They are involved in the acts of bomb-blast and attacks on the religious places. The result is that the activities of the political parties turn to violence.

What are the such activities getting out of control? This is the equation that worries true Pakistanis. The main reason is that we are perhaps not following the right policy. Instead of crushing the terrorist activities, we should uproot the causes. Terrorists activities flourish in a society that is deprived of the basic facilities. Pverty, ignorance and frustration lead people to such criminal acts.

We should give the facilites of education and employment to our young generation. This willl keep them enlightened and satisfied. They will not turn to lawlessness and violence. We should improve our judicial system as well. It should be made easy, quick and cheap. Law and order should be maintained strictly. If we let democracy flourish in the country, people will feel relieved. They will learn to settle their matters peacefully. Proper planning should be made to save the people from mental worries. In this way, they realize the importance of their lives as well as of the lives of others.
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The final words
whatever the reasons are, terrorism is a serious threat to the existence of Pakistan. Those who play with the lives of the innocent people should be crushed sternly. Illegal weapons should be banned. Death penalty should be given to those who commit any violation of this ban. Commando action should be taken against the terrorist organizations without any discrimination.