Fsc/F.A Book I Short Question of Chapter No.4 Thank You, M’Am

Fsc/F.A Book I Short Question of Chapter No.4 Thank You, M’Am
Fsc/F.A Book I Short Question of Chapter No.4 Thank You, M’Am

1.       It was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?
It was about eleven o’ clock at night when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman. It was dark and she was walking alone.
2.       What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?
When the boy tried to snatch the purse with a pull, the strap broke and he lost his balance because of the heavy weight of the bag and his own weight. Resultantly he fell down on the pavement.
3.       What was the reaction of the woman?
The woman simply turned around and kicked the boy. She picked him up and shook him until his teeth rattled. Then she asked him to pick up her purse.
4.       What was the conduct of the people when they saw the incident?
The few people who witnessed the incident did not interfere. A few passed by and some stood there watching the incident.
5.       How did the boy look physically?
Apparently he was of fourteen or fifteen. He looked quite slim and willowy in his tennis shoes and blue jeans.
6.       What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks?
They boy was ashamed and frightened. He wanted the woman to release him. The seat popped out on his face and he began to struggle.
7.       Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?
The woman asked the boy to wash his face because his face was untidy. The woman was keen on reforming him. Hence, she asked him to wash his face in order to look presentable.
8.       Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the woman?
It was the good conduct of the woman that the boy was really impressed by her. Secondly he was ashamed of his act and did not want the woman to mistrust him now.
9.       Why didn’t the woman watch the boy while preparing a dish?
The woman was confident of her good conduct that she had shown to the boy by treating him politely as if he were her own son. She was sure that the boy would not run. Therefore, she did not watch him stealthily.
10.   What was the nature of the woman’s job?

She worked in a hotel beauty shop that stayed open late. She dealt there all kinds of women like blondes, redheads, and Spanish.