Difference between close and deallocate cursor in SQL

Cursor in a database is used to retrieve data from the result set, mostly one row at a time. You can use Cursor to update records and perform an operation on a row by row. Given its importance on SQL and Stored procedure, Cursor is also very popular on SQL interviews. One of the popular SQL question on Cursor is close vs deallocate. Since both of them sounds to close the cursor, once the job  is done, What is a real difference between close and deallocate of Cursor in SQL? Well, there is some subtle difference e.g. closing a cursor doesn't change its definition. In Sybase particular, you can reopen a closed cursor and when you reopen it, it creates a new cursor based upon the same SELECT query. On the other hand, deallocation a cursor frees up all the resources associated with the cursor, including cursor name. You just cannot reuse a cursor name by closing it, you need to deallocate it. By the way, if you deallocate an open cursor, it's get closed automatically. Similarly terminating database connection from Server, also closes and deallocates any open cursors.
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