China and Pakistan join hands to block India’s entry into Nuclear Suppliers Group

nsgChina and Pakistan are closely coordinating moves to block India's entry into the NuclearSuppliers Group (NSG).

How? Beijing is using Pakistan's non-starter position with the NSG to block India's application in the name of parity, stating that it would either support NSG entry for both India and Pakistan, or none of them.nsg wide

when India sought an information session with the NSG Participating Governments (PGs) at the recent NSG Consultative Group meeting on April 25 and 26, where it would have made a formal presentation to the NSG Group in support of its membership, Pakistan requested for a similar discussion slot with the NSG PGs.

Pakistan Strategy:  Pakistan is now going to write to all the NSG PGs about its wish to join the group. This is being done in anticipation of an application by India for NSG membership at the forthcoming plenary session of the group in June.
The Pakistani application, added sources, is "just a decoy" for China to reject both applications on grounds of parity. China knows that Pakistan does not stand a chance at the NSG, and most of the states will reject Islamabad's application.
By taking the lead in rejecting the Pakistani application along with that of India, China would like to project its position as "neutral" when in reality it is "working in tandem with Pakistan to stall India's application ".

Role of US: US sources are disappointed with the Chinese tactics of "using Pakistan's non credentials with the NSG to settle scores with India".

Role of China: During Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain's visit to China in November 2015, China revealed its hand when it told President Hussain that if India is allowed to get NSG membership, China would ensure that Pakistan also joins the group.
The Chinese government told President Hussain that "if India is allowed to join the NSG and Pakistan is deprived of NSG membership, Beijing will veto the move and block the Indian entry".

China using Pakistan to block India: Chinese officials at the NSG level have been using the Pakistan card to stop India's entry into it while appearing to be even handed in China's relations with India.

US Reaction: US sources say that China "would be naive to expect that there won't be an Indian reaction, and especially a commercial one, as China is mindful that India is fully qualified to join the NSG, and by playing the 'Pakistan parity card', China is only hurting its own interests with an upcoming economic power, India."

About NSG:

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a multinational body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing materials.

  • Interestingly, the NSG was set up in 1974 as a reaction to India’s nuclear tests to stop what it called the misuse of nuclear material meant for peaceful purposes.
  • Currently, it has 48 members.

Benefit to become an NSG member state:

  • Gets timely information on nuclear matters.
  • Contributes by way of information.
  • Has confirmed credentials.
  • Can act as an instrument of harmonization and coordination.
  • Is part of a very transparent process.