Facts that will make you want to travel

Traveling is the best way to expose oneself to the world. What is traveling to you? There are hardly any people who do not want to travel and explore the world, except for a few who like to stay home bound. This article will tell you some very interesting facts that definitely support traveling. We will also highlight some of the reasons for you to stop being lazy and travel the gorgeous world.

According to some studies, the money spent on travel will make you happier than spending money on material goods. You are more likely to eventually forget the 300$ dress you got for your sister’s wedding, but you won’t forget the travel experience. The nature’s beauties you witnessed, the parties you attended, the national/cultural festivals you were a part of and the ultimate memories you made can never be replaced by the latest designer shoe.

It has also been found that the length of the trip does not affect your post trip happiness. A short trip will make you feel as happy, even if it’s a weekend getaway. Most of us do wish to go on a long holiday though, but short trips are much needed too and you can celebrate both. After all, it is not about the days you spend on a vacation but the experience you gained.

Did you know, regular travelers get along with people better? This means that travelers are the best extroverts as well as highly sociable personnel. They also feel less anxiety in social situations and bond well with new, unknown, random people. You must know of people who travel a lot. One thing you will notice is that they make many friends and have people from across the globe in their friends’ list.

Traveling alone definitely has its pros, but what is better than traveling alone, traveling with a loved one. It is noted that couples who travel more together report increased intimacy, enjoy mutual trust and have a healthy relationship. So, if you’re wondering what to take with you on your next trip, take your spouse. The best travel accessory is your loved one.

Trips and holidays can change history as there are many discoveries made by frequent travelers like Darwin and Monet. Travel ticket is usually the main expense; you can cut costs on finding cheap hotels or guesthouses and spending the least on food and shopping.