1000 Different Types of Whatsapp Status

Here we have compiled some of the best,latest and untouched whatsapp status list for you.Which includes darling status, decent status,cute status, cute quotes,short love status,Facebook status,wechat status,line status, Famous & Romantic Cute Quotes and many more.This page is updated every day so stay tuned for new additions…

Daring status

I didn't know my own strength, but now I do...So thank you Darling for teaching me how to say fuck you.-Jami Renae

Merry Christmas, darling. We're apart, that's true. But I can dream and in my dreams I'm Christmasing with you.

My darling, you bring joy to my life. Happy Valentines Day!

DIARY = Darling I Always Remember You.

Stupid lover- Darling, can I touch ur body? Girl- You rascal..... Smart lover- Dear, can I feel ur heartbeats? Girl- oh so sweet Baby :)

Darling, don`t flatter yourself. I sent you a friend request, NOT a wedding proposal.

''You're ABCDEFGHIJK.'' ''What's that?'' ''Attractive Brilliant Cute Darling Elegant Funny Gorgeous & Hot.'' ''What's IJK?'' ''I'm Just Kidding.''

Darling, don't underestimate me. I can turn from Lady to Ghetto in 2.5 seconds.

Please don't be like the rest of them, darling.

Darling I never argue, I just explain why I'm right.

I don't know much about being a millionaire, but I'll bet I'd be darling at it. -Dorothy Parker

I love my eyes when you look into them I love my name when you say it I love my heart when you love it I love my life when you are in it.

There's a difference between falling in love and falling for the idea of love (falling in love because you love the idea of being in love)

First love is important but last love is VERY VERY important because first love teaches what is love & the last love teaches WHAT IS LIFE.

I love my eyes when you look into them. I love my name when you say it. I love my heart when you touch it. I love my life when you are in it

Comment me a color! BLACK -i hαte you. PINK -i fαncy you. PURPLE -i would dαte you. BLUE -i did love you. RED -i do love you. SILVER -we αre close. GOLD -i like you. GREEN -i will αlwαys love you. ORANGE -i think you’re sexy. YELLOW -you’re my best friend. BROWN -you’re funny. Put this αs your stαtus and see whαt colours you get!

Decent status

Decent status ideas for facebook and also for whatsapp for those people who want to being decent persons in other’s eyes.Yes if you want to look like a great awesome and decent personality and wanna show this overall in your profile updates then freely choose the best statuses of following to express your decency over all on your social profiles.


1- After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.

2- All endings are also beginnings; we just don’t know it at the time.

3- All good things come to those who wait. BUT Time and tide wait for no man.

4- Always be true to yourself, don’t live by the opinions or choices of others, but by your own..

5- Be thankful for the bad things in life. For they opened your eyes to the goo things you were not paying attention to before.

6- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

7- Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room, So if you see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared.

8- Beauty catches the attention but character catches the heart.

9- BIG or SMALL, Lies are Lies

10- Cheating is easy, Try something more challenging … Like being Faithful.

11- Communication + Trust = A relationship that will last a lifetime.

12- Dear Past: Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me.

13- Distance does not matter if two hearts are loyal to one another.

14- Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams.

15- Don’t cry because of one person. Remember, there are still 6,870,135,814 people to smile to.

16- Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, but to make your absence felt.

17- Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.

18- Each one has its own story. But the truth lies within you.

19- Eventually, you stop caring. Eventually it stops being the most important thing in your life.

20- Every step I took since the moment I could walk was a step towards finding you.

21- Everything happens for a reason, though the reason is not always as clear as we would like it to be.

22- Find a heart that will love you at your worst, and arms that will hold you at your weakest.

23- Forget the risk and take the fall, if its what you want, then it’s worth it all.

24- Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you.

25- I am not afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes “My Bad” works out for “My Good”.

26- I dont need a perfect one. I just need someone who can make me feel that I am the only one.

27- I don’t need to lie. But, sometimes, I like to give the truth an extreme makeover.

28- I hate staring at your name and debating whether or not to start the conversation.

29- I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.

30- I wish my book of life was written in pencil. There are a few pages I would like to erase.

31- If someone doesn’t appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence.

32- If someone throws a stone at you, throw a flower at them. But remember to throw the flower pot with it.

You migh want to check Funny Status.

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1- If the relationship doesn’t make you a better person then you are with the wrong one.

2- If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

3- If you are forced to choose between a relationship and a friendship, always choose the friendship. In a good relationship you wouldn’t be forced to choose.

4- If you don’t care about what people think, you already passed the first step of success.

5- If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you may find you are missing all the rest.

6- If you run, make sure you’re running towards something. Never away.

7- If you want something, dont wish for it. Life is too short to wait.

8- If you’re going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears.

9- Its better to step back when ignored rather than waiting to be insulted.

10- Its not about perfect. Its about living your life and doing the best you can.

11- Its time to break out of your shell and show the world who you are and what you’re really made of.

12- Junk is something you’ve kept for years and throw away few days before you need it.

13- Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

14- Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break.

15- Look into my eyes and you’ll find me. look into my heart and you’ll find you

16- Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.

17- My life is like a movie. Theirs success, failure..but most of all DRAMA.

18- Never change yourself for someone. Just be what you are and let them love your original copy.

19- Never look back unless youre planning to go that way.

20- No matter how hard the past anyone can always begin again today.

21- No matter what, how, where and who – you can almost always turn around and get a second chance.

22- Remember to treat your significant other the RIGHT because there’s ALWAYS another person out there that’s looking at them the same way you did at first..

23- Somebody from the left is much more likely to make a decent challenge to Chavez.

24- Sometimes I need someone there for me. Tired of being there for everyone else.

25- Sometimes on the way to what’s supposed to happen, something even better happens.

26- Sometimes silence says everything louder than any words could ever be said..

27- Sometimes we make someone else our priority than those who really deserves it!

28- Sometimes words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. Sometimes it needs a little effort.

29- Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and go where your heart takes you.
30- Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.

31- Take every chance. Drop every fear.

32- Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you can go.

33- The difference between earning a good living and living a good life, is enjoying what you do.

34- The key to happiness is to always have control over your emotions.

35- The only source of knowledge is experience.

36- The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased. It can only be accepted.

37- There comes a time in life when you just need to sit back and relax and focus on all the good things in your life and just put all the bad aside for awhile.

38- There comes a time when you need to look at who is in your life, who you want in your life, who you need in your life and who you need to get out of your life.

39- There is a lot of difference between human being and being human. Very few understand it.

40- Things will always work out if you do what you want without worrying about the consequences.

41- Think with your head not with your heart.

42- Those moments when all the thoughts you have tried so hard to forget all come rushing back to you.

43- Three things are needed for a good life, good friends, good food, and good song.

44- Time is still the best answer, forgiveness is still the best pain killer and God is still the best healer.

45- To gain something you’ve never had you may have to do something you’ve never done..

46- Trust is not something you win; it’s something you build.

47- TRUST that GOD will put the right people in your life at right time and for the right reasons.

48- War does not determine who is right – only who is left.

49- We all make mistakes, hurt and disappoint people but don’t get caught up in the past, learn from it and move on.

50- We are who we choose to be.

51- We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

52- We never understand our home until we have left it.

53- We pick our friends and then life sorts them out.

54- Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, keep it.

55- Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

56- Whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say!

57- What’s better than having your dreams come true, your wishes granted and your prayers 

58- When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.

59- When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, 
you will have more opportunities. Dream, Wish, Make it happen.

60- When you judge someone else, It doesn’t define who they are, It defines who you are.

61- Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.

62- Winners never quit and quitters never win.

63- Write your sad times in sand, and write your good times in stone..

64- You are truly a blessing from God. Thank you for being my partner, spouse, lover, and friend.

65- You can get everything in life if you will help other people get what they want.

66- You can only lose something that you have but you can’t lose something that you are.

67- You make me smile more than anyone else in world.

68- You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.

69- Your mistakes should be your motivation, not your excuses.

70- Your time is limited. Dont waste it living someone else’s life.

71- You’re like a Pringle. Once I pop ya, I just can’t stop ya.

Cute Status

Best Cute Quotes - Cute Whatsapp Quotes, Cute quotes for Whatsapp & Motivational Whatsapp - Cute Whatsapp Status with Good Morning Updates
If you want to read our to 100 cute Whatsapp Quotes scroll down. 

 You’re the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep.

 The moment I want to be with you, I close my eyes.

Cute Quotes Updates

 I am more concerned about your happiness, because I care about you more.

 You’re the best thing that happened to me and I mean it really.

 Time can never change my feelings for you.

 I hardly notice anyone, because you’re the most beautiful thing in the world.

 To make you smile for no reason is the only reason to make you happy.

 Distance and time don’t matter anymore when you are in my heart.

 Life is a party, but without you there is no reason to celebrate.

 I don’t mind waiting for you, because you’re worth it.

 Believe in small things that matter and that can make big differences.

Never regret your choices because even bad experiences teach you a lot.

 Be what you want to be, not what others want to see.

 Whenever someone asks me, “How’s life"? I reply: "she’s fine".
 You’re my angel that gives me wings to fly high.

 I just had a lovely accident; I just fell in love with you.

 I can feel you in all your old SMS and emails. How magical it is?

 We are so identical. Like two volumes of one book.
 You’re the turning point in my life.

Some Very Cute Quotes

Words cannot measure the deep feelings I have for you.

 Everybody needs someone in life to hold on to. Glad that I have you.

 It’s quite strange how strangers become lovers and lovers turn into life partners.

 I generally stay busy, but whenever I pause you’re on my mind.

 Stay positive and you’ll see beautiful things happening in your life.

 I am always there by your side when you make mistakes because I know you’re trying.
 When you truly care about someone, you don’t really care about their flaws.
 When two people share their sorrows together all they get back is satisfaction and happiness.

 I never really think of future because I already have you by my side.

Positive and cute quotes can keep you happy and in good mood and therefore many people ensure that they keep finding and making new friendly quotes that they can share with their friends and family members. These quotes and status lines not just highlight your mood and feelings for others, but also keep the relationship healthy. Millions across the world make sure that they share what’s on their mind through their WhatsApp status and cute quotes that their contacts can see on their profile.

Cute Quote

Top Cute Quotes Ever

 God is the best listener because He can listen to your silent and sincere prayers.

 No storm can wreck the ship of my life because you’re my anchor.

 You’re like math. You only add love, subtract hate and multiply my hope.

 I am not a warrior, but with you I can battle the toughest challenges in my life.

 You’re the promise of God to me that my future is in good hands.

 I am not famous as a celebrity, but I give a damn about it as I am glad you know me.

 The moment I fell in love with you, I realized the gravity of your love.

 It takes two imperfect human beings to create a perfect relationship.

 You’re the coolest person in my life so when you’re around, I make lemonade out of lemons in my life.

Cute Quotes To Use on WhatsApp

 You’re the sunshine and the rainbow when troubles pour on me.

 People say home is where your heart is, so basically my home is where you are.

 Love is blind and therefore I don’t need eyes to see your beauty.

 Whenever I search for love, I end up finding you.

 Everything happens for a reason, if not now you will see the big picture later on in life.

 People will love you more for what you are than being a copy of someone else.

 When you can’t change things in your life, move on.

 To admire the real beauty you don’t need eyes, you need a good heart.

 When you start counting your blessings, life becomes easier.

 You can make someone angry, but it takes love to make that same person smile after being angry at you.

Famous & Romantic Cute Quotes

 Sometimes your hugs say a lot more than words.

 Often while growing up we tend to forget that we are growing old.

 Future always disguises as present so start enjoying your present and stop worrying about the future.

 When you share your pain it divides, when you share your happiness it multiplies.

 An honest relationship can give you more hope than anything else in the world.

 Don’t look for a perfect partner; look for someone that makes the relationship perfect.

 To build a beautiful house, you need to know how to live in it beautifully.

 Beautiful people make beautiful homes, not interior decorators.

 The only thing that makes your problems bigger is your fear.

 Happiness is what happens when you do what your heart wants to.

 Every small thing in life that makes you happy makes your life bigger than you can imagine.

 Love is a feeling of being with someone that completes the incompleteness in you.

 In love there is no reverse gear, you never know when to stop.

 Only when the sun goes down you see the stars. Only when you’re in trouble you’ll find the right people to guide you on the right path.

 The best music in the world is someone’s heartbeat beating for you.

 “Mood swings, insomnia and memory loss are few symptoms that tell me I am in love with you.