Holidays Calendar For Year 2016 By School Education Department Punjab
Notification No. SO(A-I) 1-31/2008 is issued by the Government of the Punjab School Education Department on 02-03-2016 for Annual Holidays Calendar 2016 in all Govt Schools. Click on image to enlarge:
In pursuance of the provisions contained in the Article 37 & 41 of the Punjab Education code and Notification No. SOW-I(S&GAD) 1-3/2008 (P-II) dated 04-02-2017 issued by the section officer (welfare-I) S&GAD the following Holidays Schedule would be observed in all the schools / Educational Institutions (Govt./Privately Managed) in Punjab Province during the calendar year 2017.. Here is the notification of SED for Annual Holidays 2017.