Govt of Pakistan PIFRA salary Pay slips Registration Govt Employee 2016
PIFRA salary Pay slips Registration Email Register Online Salary Slip Of Government employees First of all we need some document to get the detail of the employee. This information is needed to register this whole system. The male and Female staff will be able to get register for the pifra online payroll. The pifra pay and pension can be download only if you get register
PIFRA salary Pay slips Registration for Govt EmployeeThe Govt of Pakistan Finance department has a great accessibility for Government employees to get their Monthly salary slips on their email account. There was time when teachers, doctors, officers and junior staff have to count down their account office journey to find their salary slip in a very hard time. The pay rol and salary slips are mostly used to make a bank account for Government Employee.
And some time it was not possible to get it even after a hard effort. But now time has come that you can get your salary slip with complete detail in your email account on monthly basis. Pifra is the website where all Sarkari Mulazmin (Govt Job Holders) can get register to receive E-salary Slip in email ID.