Computer Awareness Quiz - 1

Computer Awareness Quiz

Computer Awareness Quiz - 1


Q1: Viruses are called that because

(a) these are biological virus infect machines
(b) they can copy themselves and spread
(c) both a and b
(d) none of these

Q2: Which of the following can't spread virus?

(a) a plain text mail
(b) an attachment from mail
(c) a downloaded file from web
(d) all of these

Q3: CPU stands for ______

(a) Central Processing Unit
(b) Central Protecting Unit
(c) Computer Processing Unit
(d) Central Program Unit

Q4: Which of the following is the most common I/O technique used in banks cheques?

(a) Barcodes
(b) QR codes
(c) MICR
(d) OCR

Q5: What is the full form of WWW?

(a) World Wide Web
(b) World With Web
(c) Work Wide Web
(d) Wild World Web

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