Workshop RSU Education and Literacy Department Govt of Sindh

Letter No. RSU/SAT-IV/Workshop/2016 dated 29th January 2016 has written to the Director of Schools Education (Primary and Secondary) Sukkur and Larkana.

Motivational Workshop of SAT-IV and Certification of SAT-III

The Pilot test of SAT~IV was conducted in six districts of Sindh (Karachi, Hyderabad. Sukkur. Tharparkar, Shahecd Benazirabad and Kashmore). The final test will start from the 08th February 20l6 to I2 March 20I6 for Mathematics. Science and Language in (classes V and VIII) of all schools in Sindh. SAT exams identify Students Learning Outcomes and it help to find the way to improve the education development in the Province. A Motivational /Orientation workshop regarding SAT-IV (20l5-l6) and certification of Top 3 School's teachers of SAT-Ill of Sukktrr & Larkana regions is being organized on 03" February 2016 at Sukkur IBA. Airport Road Campus. at l0.00 am. ‘
The participant of these regional workshops would be Regional Director of Education (Primary & Secondary), DEO of All relevant districts (male/female), DOE Elementary. DO A&T/Quality Assurance. DO SEMIS. ADOEs/TEOs (male/female) and teachers of Top_3 Schools of SAT-Ill (list already shared with your offices)
You are requested to please participate along with officers as said above and
teachers of top schools of SAT-Ill in this important workshop.
Ph-021-237 I0208
Workshop RSU Education and Literacy Department Govt of Sindh
Workshop RSU Education and Literacy Department Govt of Sindh

CC to:-
l- The Managing Director SEF, Karachi
2- The Director BOC (Ext. wing) Jamshoro.
3- The Director Sukkur IBA. Airport Road Sukkur
4- DEO Education. (All)
5- PS to Secretary. Education 8: Literacy Department Government of Sindh
6- P.S to Chief Program Manager RSU. Karachi
7- LSU staff of concerned Districts with the request to inform & circulate the letter to the education managers.
Ground floor. NJV School Building. Opp. Radio Pakistan. MA. Jinnah Road. Karachi. Pakistan.