Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance

Notification No. KC/FD-SO (FR)/7-20/2015-16 Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department dated 23-02-2016 has issued regarding Clarification of Upgradation of Class IV & Special Compensatory Allowance Employees of KPK.

Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance

 Various queries aroused by the KPK AG Office has been clarified by the Finance Department of KPK Province.


Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory AllowanceUpgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance

Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance
Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance
 Upgradation of C-IV and Sanction of Special Compensatory Allowance