In pursuance of Government of the Punjab, School Education Department's Notification No SO (SE-I11)2-16/2007 (P-V) dated 07-08-2015; and approval issued by the District Scrutiny Committee in its meeting held on 12-01-2016 under the Chairmanship of District Coordination Officer, Chakwal, following Primary School Educators (Male) already recruited on contract basis under the provision of Contract Recruitment Policy 2008.09 dated 23-08-2008. Recruitment Policy 2011 dated 25-10-2011 and amended Recruitment Policy 2011 dated 05-06-2012, are hereby appointed as Primary School Teachers in BS-09 (8012-495-22865) on regular basis in relaxation of rule 4, 16 and 17 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules 1974 with immediate effect against the post presently held by them:-
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