Operating System (3439) Semester: Autumn 2015-solved assighnments and course outline


Course: Operating System (3439/903) Semester: Autumn 2015

Level: Bachelor [BS (CS)] Total Marks: 100

Credit: Half Credit Pass Marks: 50

(Unit 1-4)

Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
Q. 1 a) Define the term operating system. Explain it in detail with the help of suitable examples. (10)

Q. 2 a) Explain the different functions of an operating system in detail. (10)
b) Generally describe the characteristics of an operating system. (10)

Q. 3 a) What is differencebetween terms “files” and “directories”? Define it in detail with the help of different examples. (10)
b) Explain the concept of “File System Implementation”. (10)

Q. 4 Define the term “Process” and also describe the “Classic IPC Problems” in

Q. 5 Write short notes on the following topics:

(Unit 5-8)

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50

Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
Q. 1 Generally describe the principles of I/O Hardware as well as Principles of I/OSoftware. (20)

Q. 2 What are those operating systems which have become very popular at the time of their releases? Name at least ten of them and also explain three popular operating systems in detail along with their important features. (20)

Q. 3 Differentiate between the terms “Network Operating System” & “Distributed OperatingSystem”. Explain it in detail. (20)

Q. 4 Explain the term “Deadlock”. Also define Deadlock Avoidance and Deadlock Recoverywith the help of different examples. (20)

Q. 5 Write short notes on the following topics:

3439/903 Operating Systems
Credit Hours: 4 (4 + 0)
Recommended Book:
Modern operating Systems 3rdEdition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Course Outline:

Unit 1: Introduction:

(1) What is an Operating System,

(2) History of Operating System

(3) Operating System Concepts, 

(4) Operating System Structure

Unit 2: Process
Introduction to Processes, 
Inter-Process Communication, 
Classic IPC Problems, 
Process Scheduling

Unit 3: Memory Management

Unit 4: File Systems
2- Directories
3- File System Implementation,
4- Security,
5- Protection Mechanisms

Unit 5: Input/Output
Principles of I/O Hardware, 
Principles of I/O Software,
 Disks, clocks, 

Unit 6: Deadlock
Resources, Deadlocks, Deadlock Detection, Deadlock Recovery, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Prevention, Other Issues

Unit 7: An Overview of Major Operating Systems
O/S2, UNIX, NT, Os/400, Windows

Unit 8: Distributed Operating Systems
Network Operating System, Distributed Operating System

Unit 9: Case Studies
UNIX, NT, Windows