Increase in Enrollment of Punjab Schools

Nowadays Enrollment of Punjab Schools particularly in Primary/ Elementary sections is a serious problem for teachers of Punjab Schools.
Think seriously about Primary/ Elementary sections of Government Schools: Presently our Government schools are facing the problem of less enrolment, particularly in Primary and elementary classes. The main reason for less enrolment is the private sector. Unfortunately, upper/ middle class people, even the Government school teachers themselves do not want their children to study in Government schools because they think it against their social status. Only the children of poor people come to Government schools. Now we, the Government school teachers should take the following steps to increase our enrolment, Otherwise it is difficult to survive as a Government teacher.
  • Provision of all basic facilities in school through NSB.
  • Door to door campaign from 21 to 31 March to convince the parents to send their children to Government schools. Restore their confidence over Government sector by admitting the children of Government school teachers.
  • Regular/ Continuous teaching/ assessment with devotion. Even summer camps can be arranged for Class 5 & 8 during summer vacations to compete the private sector.
  • Stress upon Quality Education, writing ability of students.
  • Weekly Bazm e adab with keen interest.
  • Discourage cheating at all levels. 
  • We, the Government school teachers must be sincere to our profession. Without any discrimination, the dull and lazy teachers must be forced to leave the department.
  • At last all concerned employees should admit their children in Government Schools First.

Enrollment of Punjab Schools particularly in Primary/ Elementary sections is a serious problem for teachers of Punjab Schools
Enrollment of Punjab Schools particularly in Primary/ Elementary sections is a serious problem for teachers of Punjab Schools.
Enrollment of Punjab Schools particularly in Primary/ Elementary sections is a serious problem for teachers of Punjab Schools.