In-Service Promotion From ESTs To SSTs (All Categories) (Male and Female) District Faisalabad.

District Education Officers (secondary) Faisalabad has ordered No. 1498 dated 30-01-2016. It is ordered to all heads of institutions Faisalabad and district education officer (EE) Male and Female District Faisalabad.

Applications For In-Service Promotion From ESTs To SSTs (All Categories) (Male and Female) District Faisalabad.

As desired by the Worthy Executive District Officer (Edu) Faisalabad, the Particulars of EST Teachers (Male & Female) having qualification MA. M, Sc. MEd / B.Ed with minimum 2nd. Division arc required for their promotion which will be expected in very near future.
  • EST(Male) (Arts) Promotion as SST (Arts) Appointed / Regularized upto 31.10,1998
  • EST (Male) (Sci) Promotion as SST (Sci) Appointed / Regularized upto 30.09.2011
  • EST (Female) (Arts) Promotion as SST (Arts) Appointed I Regularized upto 30.09,1995
  • EST (Female) (Sci) Promotion as SST (Sci) Appointed / Regularized upto 30.09.2011

You are directed to furnish the Particulars of eligible teachers to this, office within a week positively on the prescribed proforma attached herewith, so that the merit 44 may be prepared. in case of any slackness /wrong information, the Head of the institution concerned will be personally responsible for all the consequences.

 In-Service Promotion From ESTs To SSTs (All Categories) (Male and Female) District Faisalabad.
 In-Service Promotion From ESTs To SSTs (All Categories) (Male and Female) District Faisalabad.