Gilgat Baltistan School Education Department EST BPS-14 Jobs Syllabus NTS Test
The Education Department Gilgit Baltistan invites applications from suitable/ eligible Male and
Female candidates of respective Tehsil/ Union Councils/ Hard Areas of Gilgit Baltistan for recruitment against the positions of Elementary School Teachers (BS-14) as under:-
1. Download the Application Form and the Deposit Slip from National Testing Service website Pay the prescribed test fee Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) in any of the
country-wide online branches of ABL, UBL, HBL or MCB and fill up the Application Form properly. In
case of non-availability of online bank branch in any district/ area, please attach a Bank Demand Draft of
the prescribed test fee from any scheduled bank in favour of “National Testing Service Pakistan”.
2. Send the filled-up Application Form along with the original paid up copy of the Deposit Slip (or the
Demand Draft, as the case may be) to NTS Headquarters, 1-E, Sector I-8/2, Islamabad.
3. Application Forms improperly filled-up, incomplete, received after closing date, without paid copy of
Deposit Slip/ Bank Draft, and submitted by-hand will NOT BE ENTERTAINED.
4. Deposited test fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
5. The closing date for submission of Application Form at the given address is 31-03-2016.
The Education Department Gilgit Baltistan invites applications from suitable/ eligible Male and
Female candidates of respective Tehsil/ Union Councils/ Hard Areas of Gilgit Baltistan for recruitment against the positions of Elementary School Teachers (BS-14) as under:-
1. Download the Application Form and the Deposit Slip from National Testing Service website Pay the prescribed test fee Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) in any of the
country-wide online branches of ABL, UBL, HBL or MCB and fill up the Application Form properly. In
case of non-availability of online bank branch in any district/ area, please attach a Bank Demand Draft of
the prescribed test fee from any scheduled bank in favour of “National Testing Service Pakistan”.
2. Send the filled-up Application Form along with the original paid up copy of the Deposit Slip (or the
Demand Draft, as the case may be) to NTS Headquarters, 1-E, Sector I-8/2, Islamabad.
3. Application Forms improperly filled-up, incomplete, received after closing date, without paid copy of
Deposit Slip/ Bank Draft, and submitted by-hand will NOT BE ENTERTAINED.
4. Deposited test fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
5. The closing date for submission of Application Form at the given address is 31-03-2016.