Get Your Extra-Early-Bird Tickets To Disrupt NY Before Prices Increase

While May seems like it’s very far away, the truth is that Disrupt NY 2016 will be upon us before you know it, and now is your last chance to get extra-early-bird tickets to the best startup show around.

Extra-early-bird tickets to the show are available through Friday, February 19, so if you’re already planning on coming to Disrupt and want to save yourself some serious cash in the process, now is the time to act.

These specially-priced tickets cost $1,795 per person, a full $1,200 off the final ticket price and $200 off the normal early-bird pricing of $1,995 that goes into effect on February 20. You can score your tickets before the deadline by visiting our ticketing page.

Those tickets get you into all of the interviews and fireside chats with some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs, investors and innovators we’ve lined up for the show, and lets you check out all the amazing startups vying for the coveted Disrupt Cup and $50,000 grand prize in the Startup Battlefield competition.

In addition, you’ll be able to talk with the dozens of companies on the show floor in Startup Alley, and you get to attend all of the parties and after-parties to keep the conversations and networking going long into the night.

Disrupt NY 2016 takes place May 9-11 at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in New York City, and the best way to experience Disrupt is to be there in person.

So, what the heck are you waiting for? Tickets are currently available to purchase at the incredibly low extra-early-bird price of $1,795 a piece, so head on over to our ticketing page to secure your deeply-discounted place at the greatest startup show in the Big Apple in a few months.

If you’re currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, you can get even deeper discounts on Disrupt tickets by following the instructions here.

Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team at

Featured Image: Filip Mishevski/Flickr UNDER A CC BY 2.0 LICENSE
