Daily Allowance Revision of Gawadar City

Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Regulations Wing) has issued Notification No.F.8(1)R-10/2011-80 (Vol-III)  dated Islamabad, the 18th February, 2016 Office Memorandum

Revision of Daily Allowance on Official Duty within Country

The undersigned is directed to refer to Para-2 of this Division's O.M.No.F.8(1)R-10/2011-318, dated 17-08-2012 on the above subject and to state that Finance Division has decided to include the name of "Gwadar City" in the list of specified stations for special rates for the purpose of Daily Allowance with immediate effect. The other terms and conditions of admissibility of DA mentioned in the above referred O.M. will continue to apply.
Daily Allowance Revision of Gawadar City

Daily Allowance Revision of Gawadar City
Daily Allowance Revision of Gawadar City