Computer MCQs Part 17 | Operating Systems

operating systems mcqs, computer mcqs, computer mcqs with answer, computer science mcqs,
161. System Tray is also known as.?
A. Notification tray
B. Status area
C. Notification area
D. Active area

162. Which one Consists of Group of related commands.?
A. Icons
B. Dialog boxes
C. Windows
D. Menus

163. Which one is  used to collects information from user before processing command.?
A. Dialog boxes
B. Icons
C. Menus
D. Windows

164. Pressing and releasing the left mouse button is called.?
A. Right click
B. Center click
C. Left click
D. Drag

165. Which of the following is not a mouse event.?
A. Center click
B. Left click
C. Right click
D. Drag

166. Which of the following event of mouse is normally used to sect an object.?
A. Right click
B. Center click
C. Left click
D. Drag

167. Which of the following events of mouse is used to select multiple items at a time or to move an items form one location to another.?
A. Left click
B. Drag
C. Right click
D. Center click

168. To open a document.?
A. Double click its icon
B. Click its icon
C. Tight click its icon
D. Point its icon

169. The bar the bottom of Windows desktop is called.?
A. Title bar
B. Status bar
C. Task bar
D. Scroll bar

170. Which option of Start menu contain “Control Panel” command.?
A. Programs
B. Settings
C. Run
D. None of these

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