10 Interesting Linux Facts That Will Surprise You

Linux is Best Free computer and mobile operating system its is made under open source software development and distribution. Linus Torvalds Released it on 5 October 1991. It is created free for personal use. Linux is one of the best examples of free and open-source software collaboration programm. Android, Firefox OS, Mer and Tizen are all based on Linux kernel. Chromium OS is based on the Linux kernel here are some of the best Interesting Linux facts that will surely Surprise You.



1.  Linux is  kernel not an operating system .


2. Linus Torvalds Released it on 5 October 1991.


3. The world most super computer uses Linux . U.S Department of Defense, U.S Submarine Fleet all uses Linux Kernel or OS.


4.  Android , Chromium OS , Firefox OS, Mer and Tizen are all based on Linux Kernel.


5. Linux is Virus Free that is you don't need any antivirus on Linux.


6. Most of the world famous and biggest companies uses Linux as their main operating system.


7. The name of the penguin of Linux Logo is Tux.


8.  The first GNU / Linux name is Debian.


9.  Linus Torvalds the founder of Linux Kernel has been honoured by naming an asteroid moon Linus on his name.


10. The best Fact is that it is free and open-source software.