Important Question Legal Drafting LLB Part 3
1. Draft a plaint u/s 91 and 92 of C.P.C?
2. Draft a plaint for dissolution of marriage on basis of “Khula” by wife?
3. Draft a plaint for Dissolution of Partnership?
4. Draft a suit for restitution of conjugal rights from the husband against wife?
5. Draft a written statement in a money suit with defense of a set off with other defense?
6. Draft a suit of jactitation?
7. Draft a plaint in a suit for specific performance?
8. Draft a suit for possession through pre-emption also defines the right of pre-emption?
9. Suit for a declaration of right with permanent injection?
10. What are the defenses that can be taken in a civil court?
11. Write a Short Note
Evasive Denial Cause of action Set off Verification of Pleading
1. Define deed; Discuss the essential contents of a deed in details?
2. Define Wakf, Draft a deed of wakf for mosque?
3. Define power of attorney, Draft a general power of attorney for transfer of lease holds rights?
4. Define notice; Draft a legal notice to tenant to vacate the shop with is needed to for his personal use?
5. Define a gift and also describe essentials ingredients of a gift deed?
6. Draft a deed of dissolution of partnership?
7. What is meant by an exchange? Draft exchange deeds of lands?
8. Describes the various kinds of mortgage and draft a specimen of mortgage by deposit of title deed?
9. How a document can be cancelled. Rectified describe in details?