How To Get Inspiration For Success


Inspiration is not like something that is certain, it is a desire that comes and goes within the matter of time. Anyone one who is looking for this post about inspiration must have been in a need to accomplish something of great importance to him or her. He or she must have a goal that is yet to be fulfilled and to fulfill it you need some inspiration to do so. All you need to do is believe in yourself, don't be afraid because our greatest fear is not that we are
inadequate; our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measures actually who are you not to be because we are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us and as we let that light shine, so shall we give others the chance to do so.
Don't ever look down on yourself again. There is not that you can't achieve all it takes is the mind because it is absolutely everything. Am going to give you some inspirations and motivations that I believe this will help you achieve whatever it is you are really planning or have planned already but to no avail it seems useless after all trials. Am also going to give you 5 steps to follow in other to achieve this curious goal of yours that brought you here today. Without wasting much of your time let me go straight to the point and please be patient even though you may see this boring, but actually this might be the key to that burden of yours and the only way to use it wisely may also be your patience.
How To Get Inspiration For Success

1. BE POSITIVE:- This is the greatest  key that has been lacking in most people. First, before they perform an action the first thing they  think of and believe is that after all is not going to work out at last. You don't need to start a course which you are absolutely determined for it to end successfully with negative thoughts.  We are attracted to the things we think of that is why the mind is everything. Who we are today and who we are yet to be in the future is here within our various minds. Let me go further in explaining this, you need to acquire new phone, car, house e.t.c. where do you think that first instinct is coming from? It comes directly from the mind, and at last you acquire your thought because you never doubted it. You believed it is yours after all, no negative thought came across your mind so you achieved those things.  So always think positive, think success, not failure because positive things happens to positive people.

2. DECISION MAKING:- You have to decide upon what you truly want to achieve. Your dreams cannot come to live if proper plans are not take. For you to make a move towards reaching or even trying to accomplish your goals you have to make a clear plan for it. And making this plan you have to start by writing down those your positive dreams and goals and develop a strategy that can enable you reach your goal in no time. Let me give you an example, making out a strategic timetable that will fit in to your everyday to day activities is the beginning of your decision making. You have to strictly follow this timetable and try not to deviate from it because you cant achieve your goals without a plan and if not written down you may easily forget the next thing to do. A new year's resolution that is not written down is just a dream and dreams are not goals. But am not trying to say that this table of yours that you have prepared should make you deviate from your social life, that's why I said a strategic timetable. Is absolutely the way in which you plan yourself will help you achieve success.

3. BE YOURSELF:- Do you know that the most greatest mistake people do is copying others. They want to be like someone, maybe they admire someone that is great, a model , whosoever it maybe that they admire to become just know that you can never be that person because everybody was created to be different. Even the identical twins, although they are facially alike, the same height, voice e.t.c. but what is within them is different because that is your main self. Let me tell you something using me as an example, I love a passion which was engineering but  I had a very good friend of mine that loves football so much and he's always good with the little effort he made. I then deviated from what I love most in other to be like him, but the worst part of it was that no matter how hard I try I could never be like him because that was not my real self. When I noticed that, I quickly stopped copying  him rather loving that thing that always gets me happy. All I want to say here is that you should be yourself instead of being there trying to become someone you will never be. Because even when God created us he restored upon us different talents and purpose, so find yours rather than trying harder to be someone else. This will absolutely help you in the zeal to acquire inspiration.

4. BELIEVE:-  Like I said earlier on being positive, once you have already cleared your mind of all negative thoughts and filled it with the positive ones, then that is when this step is going to take place. Believing as we know it is a tremendous thing that is hard for a man to do because it has to be with the mind and being the mind that does everything, the effort put in to be positive will enable you believe in achieving that success which you have solely been searching for. When you believe it means you want to focus your mind, body and energy over something you want to achieve without weary thoughts of unbelief, fear. Cast out fea r off your life because it is the police of the devil, so you have to be courageous  in what you think. And the last step of it all is what you should feel all the time.

5. RECIEVE:- This is absolutely the last step am going to give you guys, but this is above all the ultimate step. Receiving is just as if you already know that thing you want to achieve or get is already yours and in other for it to be fully yours you have to receive. Without the weary thoughts of yours that made you believe all you have to do is always feel as if you have already achieved success and it will be you.

But know that you always have to be good to other. There is absolutely nothing on earth that can't be achieved, it only depends on the mindset but with all these my steps, I believe it will help you in the course to change your mindset and achieve whatever you want. You know that you are not always alone in this world because you have a creator whom loved you so much that he created you for a purpose. All you need to do is come to him in prayers, always pray to him because he knows you, what the future holds for you even before you came into existence.

I want to believe that with this little article of mine that you will be inspired to achieve success of any kind. After all we were created to successors and not failures, say I cant be a failure because I was born to be above and not beneath, I was born to be the head and not the tail. Thanks for your time and you can also give us some feed back by using the comment box below.