Drugs and their uses.

Drugs and Their Uses

         Modern men are protected against diseases, is relieved of pain, and occasionally cured by discoveries that have been made in professions of pharmacology pharmaceutical manufacture and pharmacy.
Household remedies

        Elsewhere in this book are discussions of family medicine chest with a list of household remedies that are easily available and which may be used by any person according to his own judgment. Examples: laxatives like mineral oil phenolphthalein, cascara, and substances like agar and psyllium seed which add bulk to excretions. Included also are such mild antiseptic substances are iodine, mercurochrome, and similar preparations. For pain relievers there are combinations of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine sold under a wide variety of names as well as simple preparations which include aspirin alone or aspirin buffered or other products related to aspirin.

         Most of potent and possibly toxic preparations prescribed by doctors are not sold over counter without a physician’s prescription. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act regulate the labeling of drugs. It prohibits certain statements from appearing on labels and demands warning labels for other substances which may be habit-forming or which are especially toxic. A new drug cannot be introduced into sale between states unless an application has been made for it. This application must show by adequate scientific evidence that drug is safe for use under ordinary conditions.

          The American Medical Association’s Council on Drugs publishes annually a volume known as “new and Nonofficial Drugs” in which drugs are classified as to their general character. If product is manufactured properly and claims made for it are justified it is described in this book.


          Anesthetics are not of occurs easily available except by prescription and are generally used only in hospitals and in doctor’s office. Local anesthetics are substances which may be put on the skin or injected under skin and thus produce freedom from pain in areas concerned. One type of anesthetic is injected into spine to block the nerves of spine, thus preventing pain during childbirth. When drug is permitted to flow in gradually during the childbirth, the method is described as continuous caudal analgesia.

           The general anesthetics include a wide variety of substances, such as ether, nitrous oxide, oxygen gas, ethylene, cyclopropane, and several other substances which anesthetist gives tot eh patient for inhalation. Another type of anesthesia is basal anesthesia in which drugs capable of blocking sensation are injected into veins. These are usually derivatives of barbituric acid.


         During allergic reactions a substance known as histamine is released into the tissues. The antihistamines are used in such conditions as hay fever, asthma, and rhinitis because they block histamine. When these substances are used in mild hay fever, particularly in first part of the season, they are usually effective in relieving symptoms.

          The antihistamine drugs are useful also in prevention and treatment of general reactions such as allergic coughs, the allergic inflammation of nose, the eruptions of hives, and itching which accompanies other allergic diseases.

        Any of antihistaminic drugs can occasionally produce undesirable reactions in some people. The physician must be aware of this possibility. Sometimes antihistamines produce a tendency to deep sleep. In other instances they may produce inability to concentrate, dizziness, and disturbed coordination. The worst symptoms that may result are tremors, nervousness and even convulsions. These are some of reasons why antihistamines in large doses should be used only when prescribed by a doctor. Several antihistamines are available in drug stores and can be purchased without a prescription. These are usually used to stop excessive secretion from nose during the beginning of a cold and sometimes are applied in ointments for ivy poisoning or other skin reactions.

Motion Sickness Drugs

          Most of effective motion sickness drugs are now dependent on an antihistamine action. Among most common of these are Dramamine, Bonine, Marezine, and various other preparations of antihistaminic drugs.

          For years derivatives of scopolamine and hyoscine have been used effectively in preventing motion sickness.

        Since all of these drugs possess possibility of harm, they should not be taken continuously unless prescribed by doctor. On most ships and on airplanes attendants usually have available some of these anti-motion sickness remedies and they will give one or two doses with understanding that dosage is not continued and is only for immediate relief over a short period.


          Certain substances have the power to stop action of bacteria, to impede their growth, and sometimes to destroy them. For instance certain drugs are known to be effective in controlling germ of tuberculosis. These include streptomycin, one called PAS or para-amino-salicylic acid and also isonicotinic acid derivatives of which one most frequently mentioned is isoniazid. There are several forms of these drugs known by various names which physician prescribes according to his choice.

          A substance known as oxyquinoline is available in various forms and is used frequently against germs or fungi.

          Another drug called mandelamine has special property of being eliminated in urine and acting as a urinary antiseptic.

          Another chemical group is known as nitro furans. These substances and their derivatives are effective against a variety of diarrheal disorders, infections in urinary tract, and infections throughout body, particularly by pus-forming germs.

          Among the earliest and most important of anti-infective substances were the sulfonamides, discovered by Domagk, for which the received the Nobel Prize. The sulfonamides are available in a variety of forms. The ones to be used in the control of a known infection are chosen according to their established ability to stop the growth of germs that are concerned. Among the best known sulfonamides were sulfadiazine and sulfamerazine. Anotheris sulfamethazine. A newer form is sulfacetamide which are available in various forms, depending on the area of the body where it is to have its effect.

          The modifications of sulfa drugs are numerous. Still another are known as Kynex/Midicel. There are varieties of gantrisin which is designed to affect specific portions of body and to be used either in tables capsules/given by injection.

          The antibiotics are substances derived from various living organism which can stop growth of germ or destroy germ. The first to receive extensive use were penicillin. Then came many other of which about twenty are in common use. Their name is streptomycin, Chloromycetin or Chloramphenicol, Bacitracin, Tyrothricin, magnamycin, Seromycin or cycloserine, Erythromycin or Ilotycin, Neomycin, Albamycin, Nystatin or Mycostatin which are used especially against mantillas.

          Another group includes oleandomycin which are especially active against germ like staphylococcus, streptococcus, and pneumonococcus. It may also have effects in stopping growth of gonococcus & meningococcus. These varieties are Cyclamycin.

          Pencillin is used in a variety of ways either by tablet taken by mouths, or caby injections under skin according to what physician thinks are best for the individual patient.

          Among variety of forms of pencillin is crysticillin which is a combination of pencillin with a local anesthetic. Some form of pencillin has been prepared so that they may be injected into muscles and remain active over long periods of time.

          Another new antibiotic is polymyxin also ristocetin and various tetracyclines which include Aureomycin Terramycin Achromycin and Panmycin. Most recent are Vancomycin and Viomycin. Calistin is an antibiotic used principally against certain bacteria, pseudomonas species and organism that cause dysentery.

          Here is an important is the fact that there are some two thousand possible antibiotics. One of latest to be developed is an antibiotic which apparently can affect growth of cancer cells. This is known as actionomycin D.